Christopher Stalford dead the day Queen Elizabeth is diagnosed with Covid-19, and one week after Matt Stafford won Super Bowl 56
This man has died unexpectedly on the ‘kill’ date, February 20, 2022.
2/20/22 = 2+20+22 = 44
2/20/2022 = 2+20+20+22 = 64
Kill = 44 / 64
Notice he went to ‘Queen’s University,’ and this news comes the same day we hear that the Queen is sick with Covid-19. On top of that, the Queen is sick on the 99th day of Charles’ age and this man’s name equates to 99.
Christopher Stalford = 99
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary = 99
-Keep in mind Mr. Stafford just won Super Bowl 56, last Sunday (Stalford? Stafford?)
–Royal Family = 56
–Stafford did it in his 13th season
–This man is dead 13-days after his February 7 birthday *NFL = 13 *Thirteen = 99
Recall, Philip died at 99, on the 99th day of the year.
Furthermore, he has died on his 38th day since taking his new office, Principal Deputy Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly. *Death = 38