CNN codes the 201 as they spread Covid-19 fear while focusing on children, May 6, 2022

Coronavirus Jesuit New World Order News Pharmaceutical Tyranny Psychological Operation
Kim Ford = 76 *Dexter = 76 *Skull and Bones = 76

This news comes May 6, 2022, emphasis on 5/6, like 56, or 6/5, like 65.
Society of Jesus = 56
Coronavirus = 56
Covid Vaccine = 56
Pandemic = 65
-Long Covid = 142
-Coronavirus = 142

It is about the child ‘Jack Ford.’
Jack Ford = 68
-Coronavirus coined in ’68

And notice the story begins on November 9, the day that when counted through the end of the year, leaves a total of 53-days.
Covid = 53

As we know, that date can be written 11/9 or 9/11.
All Seeing Eye = 119 / 56

These stories are meant to impact the mind’s eye of the masses…

And if you read the article, you’ll see that 13-million children have been diagnosed with Covid…

Think of the all seeing eye above the 13 layers of bricks on the dollar, dollar bill ya’ll…

Notice the emphasis on ‘an undiagnosed issue’ just below.
An undiagnosed issue = 201 / 105
Order of Illuminati = 201 / 105
The Jesuit Order = 201
*Event 201…

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