CNN reminds you a nurse named Sandra was the first person to get the Covid shot on the anniversary of the Sandy Hook school shooting, December 14, 2020

Recall, the first person to get the shot, on the 8-year anniversary of Sandy Hook, was Sandra Lindsay.
Covid Vaccine = 56
Coronavirus = 56
Adam Peter Lanza = 56
-Sandy Hook established in ’56
-Shooting 56 years after school was established (1956-2012)
Society of Jesus = 56
Anthony Fauci = 56
Gavin Newsom = 56
In light of the Society of Jesus connection, this is the day in history George Washington died…
Society of Jesus = 187
December Fourteenth = 187
Twelve Fourteen = 187
George Washington = 187
Read more about Sandra Lindsay’s shot here.
Read about the death of Sandy Hook first responder from Covid-19 here.

Sandra = 42 / 57
Lindsay = 30 / 42
-Vaccine = 30 / 42 / 57

Skull and Bones = 202
-Think about how close they were to Sandy Hook
-And think about The Johns Hopkins, founded by a Skull & Bones member