CNN writes Maui is losing its ‘aloha spirit,’ August 15, 2023, the Jesuit Order’s birthday

This news also comes on the Jesuit Order’s birthday, August 15, 2023. Notice the Maui story.
Society of Jesus = 56
Aloha Spirit = 56
Climate Change = 56
Natural Disaster = 56
Hurricane = 56
Hillary and Trump are Jesuit educated. Remember, “lock her up?”
Lock Her Up = 44
Trump, 44th person to be President
Trump, 4th indictment in 4th state
MLK, from ATL, killed on 4/4
Today is 64 weeks before the election. There are 64 spaces on the chessboard.

Today is 62-days after Trump’s birthday. *Georgia = 62
And it is a prime example of how they shift attitudes and minds with their evil tactics.

Blowtorch winds? These people are assholes.
Today is one week after the Maui disaster.
Lahaina, Hawaii = 83 & 97
Brotherhood of Death = 83 & 97
Murder = 83
Death = 97
–97, 25th prime
–Fire = 25
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– Energy = 25 (Reverse Reduced)
blowtorch = 44 (Reduced)
focused heat = 44 (Reduced)
fire fuel = 44 (Reversed Reduced)
A friend sent me a tiktok video revealing that a book has already been released on amazon about all of this. It’s called, “Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and it’s implications for Climate Change.” It was supposedly published on August 10 and contains 44-pages. “Maui” = 44.
The publication date connects as well.
8/10/2023 = 8+10+20+23 = 61; “Maui Fires” = 61
The author is listed as Dr. Miles Stones(Milestones).
“Dr. Miles Stones” = 55/80
“Satan” = 55/80
I just found a sick animated commercial ad for Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, where a dog is sitting at a table in a burning house, and Tony the Tiger offers him a bowl of cereal and then the dog is fine.
“Tony the Tiger” = 67
“Maui Wildfire” = 67
“Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes” = 85
“Maui Wildfires” = 85
“Catholicism” = 85
“Mathematics” = 85
The video comes up if you google frosted flakes commercial with fire. It was posted 6-days ago, which means it was on August 9th.
Chiek Pellietier was commander in Las Vegas shooting