Colorado Governor Jared Polis signs new gun control laws April 19, 2021, the day leaving 256 days in the year

What did I tell you? Look out for April 19, 2021, and new gun laws.
April 19 leaves 256 days in the year
Second Amendment = 256
Assault Weapons Ban = 256
The Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 was September 13, the 256th day of the year.
In this case, the signing came 28 days after the March 22, 2021, King Soopers shooting.
4/19/2021 = 4+19+(2+0+2+1) = 28 (Shooting = 107, — 107, 28th prime)
4/19/21 = 4+19+21 = 44 (Shooting = 44)

Keep in mind April 19 is the 109th day of the year.

Shooting = 109
For more on the changes, they are relatively minor, with threats of fines and fees.
Senate Bill 78 was signed into law exactly 62 days after it was introduced, February 16, 2021.
Jesuit = 78 *Order Out of Chaos = 78

Jared Polis = 62 / 109 (Signed on 109th day of the year)
And House Bill 1106 was also introduced on February 16. How perfect.