Commodus, the Fall of Rome, and is America next? (Barack Obama’s cryptic clues in Leave the World Behind will astound you)
This is Commodus about to die.
Do you remember the film that portrayed this scene?
Gladiator? Russell Crowe? Joaquin Phoenix plays the part? If you’ve seen it, you recall.
Notice the 103 overlap (no accident, a Hollywood signature).
Commodus=103 *Joaquin Rafael Phoenix=103
The Obamas have a new film that pays tribute to Commodus. The tribute comes after you see the fall of America, like Commodus died before the fall of Rome.
Read about the death of Virginia McLaurin 103 days after Obama’s birthday here.
And as we’ll get to, this has a lot to do with the last episode of Friends.
The One Where They Say Goodbye=103
Commodus died in the year 192 AD, and notice the gematria of ‘Leave the World Behind.’
Notice the 93 gematria as well.
December Seventeenth=192
-That is Saturnalia
–Saturnian Order=93
December 17 is Pope Francis 87th birthday.
Joaquin=87 (Joaquin Phoenix)
And as for where Commodus is shown in the film, it is next to the door of a billionaire’s bunker, shown at the end of Leave the World Behind, produced by Barack Obama, and released on Netflix December 8, 2023 — just after theater release on November 22, 2023, the anniversary of JFK’s assassination, the 44th term US President (vs. Obama, #44). Anyhow, notice the name Commodus. He was the one assassinated before the Fall of Rome, and December 31 is the anniversary of his killing in the year 192 AD. That means December 31, 2023 will be the 831st anniversary.
Funny enough, 1831 was the year SLAVERY became a huge topic, in the time of Andrew Jackson, who survived an assassination (the first attempt in US history on a President). And with regards to slavery, Obama pays the ULTIMATE tribute to its history in the US in his new film. Read about that here.
And again, the American Civil War was connected to slavery, and that is also a big theme. It has everything to do with why Andre Braugher was reported dead at 61, who starred into two films about the American Civil War, which began in 1861, 100 years before Obama was born, August 4, 1961.
They want you to think of January 6 (6/1), the day the Civil War flag flew in the nation’s capital (who can forget the made for TV display they have shown us as many times as they have in the last few years)? They don’t want you to recognize the rituals though. That doesn’t help them.
A sign this planned event is close is that December 17, 2023, the Pope’s 87th birthday, it will also be Kamala Harris’ 59th day of being 59 years old, as a winner of the 59th US Presidential Election, that was perfectly coordinated with Pope Francis, the same man that Benedict stepped down for on February 28, 2013, the 59th day of the year. *Pope Francis=59 & 58 *John F. Kennedy=59 *Renegade=59
As for JFK, again, this movie released in theaters on November 22, the 60th anniversary of his killing.
–1860 election resulted in assassination
–1960 election resulted in assassination
–Upcoming 60th US Presidential Election in 2024
*December 17 is also 58 days after Kamala’s birthday (or 59th day of her age).
Freemasonry=58 & 59
Again, Obama’s Secret Service called him Renegade (Renegade=59), and the Secret Service was made the day of the Lincoln assassination, April 14, 1865. Of course, Obama was from the Land of Lincoln an in his new film about World War Three, or at least the early days of it, you see the name Commodus at the end on a billionaire’s bunker.
Commodus=103, Jesuits=103 *Joaquin Rafael Phoenix=103
Notice Commodus began ruling in the year 177.
The Jesuit Order=177, New World Order=177
And recall, the first use of the word ‘propaganda’ was by the Catholic Church.
And think about how big this number is in Israel right now.
Benjamin Netanyahu=177
And think of the leader of the World Economic Forum.
Klaus Schwab=177
And think of the rest of the list, including this Biden tribute 177 days after Obama’s 59th birthday.
Furthermore, Commodus was assassinated in history on December 31, in the year 192, “15 years” after taking office (think Illuminati on the 1st day of the 5th month).
Illuminati=120 (15th triangular number) (biblical age limit)
After the death of Commodus, the golden era ended, and the empire fell.
December Seventeenth=192 (the Pope’s birthday)
July Twentieth=192 (201st day of the year)
November Ninth=192 (Berlin Wall)
E Pluribus Unum=192 (Dollar, dollar bill ya’ll)
Notice the part about his father in war as well, in the year 172 AD.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam=172
For one more BIG FU to America, in the film Gladiator, with Russell Crowe, who plays Maximus in his most famous role, he kills Joaquin Phoenix (the Joker) who portrays Commodus.
He also says in that movie, are you not entertained? And like I’ve seen forever, America will stay in entertainment land until the day the power goes out.
On that 59 theme, Russell Crowe is 59-years-old right now, go figure.
Gladiator premiered on the Illuminati’s birthday, a little more than a year before 9/11.
The World Premiere of Leave the World Behind, October 25, 2023, was 201 days after Russell Crowe’s birthday, the number of the Illuminati. *Order of Illuminati=201 *The Jesuit Order=201
Think of Klaus Schwab putting on Event 201, October 18, 2019.
Klaus Schwab=177 *The Jesuit Order=177 & 201
And you know about Matthew Perry dying on Julia Roberts 56th birthday, three days after the premiere (Three=56, Friend=56) and FRIENDS being a big component of the movie’s plot, and Julia Roberts being the awkward person when it comes race in the film. It goes Julia Roberts having her hospital expenses paid for by MLK’s family when she was born (yes, Martin Luther King Jr.), assassinated 201 days before the nation’s first major gun control legislation, which goes with Martin Luther’s 95 Theses being pinned 201 months before the establishment of the Jesuit Order (and Joe Biden being born 201 months before Hawaii, where Obama is from — and where the mega death ritual occurred August 8, 2023). Barack Obama=68 (#44) (MLK assassinated in ’68, on 4/4)
Obama, #44, Joe Biden=44
*Donald Trump was the 44th Person to be President
Recall, Trump had his day in court in New York (or Gotham City) while they were filming Joker at the same building at the same time, and Joker was played by Joaquin Phoenix. And Trump’s day in court was April 4, 2023, what would have been Heath Ledger’s 44th birthday, who died while portraying the Joker. It’s a pattern going with why the first US President to die in office, William Henry Harrison, died on April 4, and why Lincoln dreamed on April 4 he would be shot, 10 days before it happened. It also goes with why in history books Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC. And it goes with why JFK was #35, but he was also the 44th term US President.
Finally, don’t overlook Israel right now, the “44 nation.”
Israel=44, Zion=44, Netanyahu=44 *Maximus=44
One more time, Netanyahu goes with the year 177 and Commodus rule beginning.
Benjamin Netanyahu=177
And for one last point, Joaquin Phoenix’s birthday is the same as Julia Roberts, who dated Matthew Perry, and who stars in this film where ‘Friends’ is a theme. Again, Perry died on their birthdays.
It was her 56th birthday, and Obama won the 56th US Presidential Election.
Society of Jesus=56, Freemasons=56, Washington DC=56
Think of the 56 signers on the Declaration of Independence.
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In the 2022 movie, ‘Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,’ there is a young female character named, ‘America Chavez,’ whose life is in danger near the end. Dr. Strange makes the comment to another female character that, “America doesn’t have long.”
Obama’s, ‘Leave the World Behind’ released a span of 201-days from the one year anniversary of the release of the Dr. Strange movie, the same movie that introduced the Illuminati.
“Fall of Rome” = 49/50/103
“Washington” = 49/50