Death of Bison Dele, NBA player, July 7, 2002

Celebrity Entertainment Murder by Numbers Sports

Bison Dele, the former Chicago Bull, was born April 6, and died July 7, in a murder, on his 93rd day of his age.

Chicago = 46 (4/6 birthday)
Chicago divided into 77 neighborhood areas (7/7 death)

Bison Dele = 85 *Basketball = 85

Notice July 7th is the 188th day of the year, leaving 177 days remaining.

Bavarian Illuminati = 188
Jesuit Order = 177

The Bavarian Illuminati was created by the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt.

The ’97 Finals ended on June 13, the day leaving 201 days in the year.

The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201 (What the B.I. was renamed as)

He died 1850 days after the ’97 Finals ended.

Basketball = 185
Mathematics = 185

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