Deaths of Cedric Benson, Terrell Roberts, & Chris Henry in relation to Super Bowl 56

He died on his 233rd day of his age (51st prime) *Cincinnati = 51 *Motorcycle = 51
-He reportedly died in a motorcycle accident

Cedric Benson died 911-days before Super Bowl 56.

Again, 911 is the 156th prime number.
Cincinnati Bengals = 156
Read about Super Bowl 56 being the Rams 911th game, the opponent of the Bengals.
Cedric Myron Benson = 263 (56th prime)
11+77+175 = 263 (Planes that hit targets on 9/11 reportedly)
Saturn = 56 (Hebrew Gematria)
–Benson played 56 games with Bengals (96 total games *Cincinnati = 96)
Keep in mind the Rams were in the Super Bowl after 9/11.

He died August 17, 2019, just days before Terrell Maiza Roberts.

Terrell Maiza Roberts = 93 (Saturn = 93 / 119) *Ninety-Three = 154
He died a span of 887-days from Super Bowl 56 (154th prime) *Saturnalia = 154
He died 157-days after birthday (37th prime) *Los Angeles=37 (Location of SB 56)
Richmond = 132 (Super Bowl 56 on 13/2)

His death on September 11 ties in with Cedric Benson dying 911-days before Super Bowl 56.
And in light of Roberts death connection to Saturn and Saturnalia, as well as Benson’s, don’t forget that Chris Henry died on Saturnalia, December 17, 2009.
Keep in mind Chris Henry finished his career with 119 receptions.
Saturn = 119
-Dead on 11/9
Notice Roberts played in 23-games, because Super Bowl 56 is the Bengals 23rd playoff game as a franchise (and they lost in Super Bowl 23 to 49ers).
Planet = 23 (Saturn and Jupiter)
Read about the Bengals win on the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, and it coming 419-days before Super Bowl 56.

And keep in mind, Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, has a Saturnalia birthday, and Super Bowl 56 falls on his 59th day of his age.
Pope Francis = 59
-59, 17th prime
-Ohio, 17th state
-Kill = 59 / 17
-First 17 game season
-God = 17 (Saturn is God of OT)
Society of Jesus = 56
Pope = 56
Update: There was a 201 in the Cedric Benson death.
Saturn Worship = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
–Tiger = 201 (Jewish)
–Rams = 201 (Jewish)

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TR = 38
Niners = 38
911 Hexadecimal is 28
Niners played Bengals Sunday after 9/15/19 and total scored was 58 points.
Niners Bengals = 58
Grandma = 58
9×1×1×9 = 81 (Year born)
Cincinatti known as “Queen city” = 911
Baghdad by the bay nick name for San Fran.. 9/11 sent the US to Baghdad.
Year of the tiger = 81 (bengals in superbowl)
1981 = 19
Oregon State Beavers = 47 (born 4/7)
October 4th (day released) = 47
Jesus killed 4/7
9+1+1+2+0+1+9 = 23
(games played and days apart from anniversary of release)
Wore 23 with OSU
Played 23 games with Bengals
Bengal = 23
Madden = 23 (1st superbowl he hosted 1981)
Fascination = 111
Berkeley = 111
9/11 leaves 111 days left in year.
Rams were in superbowl after 9/11
New York = 111 (where 9/11 happened)
Montana (joe) = 111
May first = 111 (drafted)
Terrell Roberts = 187 (homicide) and 1122
JFK assassination = 187 & 1122
JFK assassinated on 11/22
San Fran was in Superbowl LIV played against Chiefs (joe played for both teams in career).
LIV = 38
49ers won in 1981
Suoerbowl XVI ended with total of 47 (DOB) points scored in Detroit where Tigers play 🐯 and who they played?? Bengals…
Joe Montana born 6/11 (9/11 upside down) in 1956 (Bengs are in Superbowl 56)
4+7+1+9+8+1= 30 (his jersey #)
9+11+1+9= 30
Joe = 30
Drafted 5/1/2003
5+1+3= 9
5+1+2+0+0+3 = 11
Sniper = 81
Forty niners = 163 (38th prime #)
San francisco 49ers = 254 (9/11 is 254th day of year)
Foootball = 83 (23rd prime)
Joe = 30
Ritual = 81
Set up = 81
Unsolved = 112
Superbowl = 112
Murder = 38
Kill = 44
Wednesday = 44 (the day killed)
San fran = 44
Defensive = 44
Forty four = 144 (days b4 superbowl he was killed)
Richmond police = 144 & 81
Assassinated = 193 (44th prime)
Execution style = 181 (42nd prime)
Words that = 42 are
NYC (9/11)
Inside job
September 11
Chest wound = 42
4/7/1981 to 9/11/2019 is 2005 weeks. He was released in 2005
Birthday to death is 22 weeks. Bengals in Superbowl in ’22
Terrell Maiza Robert = 276 (23rd fibonacci)
Maiza = 23 (9th prime) and 31 (11th prime)
Henry Hudson discovered manhattan 9/11/1609 and 1609 is 254th prime
TR killed on 254th day of year
Cincinatti Bengals = 156
911 is the 156th prime #