Definitive proof the May 6, 2020 Greg Anderson viral coronavirus story (and GoFundMe) is a psy-op
The checkmate with the black and white checkerboard is the touch that seals the masonic deal, complimenting the “Granderson33”, who is married to the woman with the account “j_andy333”.
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Nice snake tattoos. This guy could double for a World Health Organization logo.
The account name ‘Granderson33’ fits right in with the coronavirus agenda as well.
If you watch this video linked below, he says “three” a lot.
His viral video was uploaded May 6, or 5/6, 56-days after the pandemic was declared.
Remember, ‘coronavirus pandemic’ sums to 113, like ‘Scottish’ as in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, which controls police nationwide.
For the clincher, May 6 was the 127th day of 2020.
For one last point, the G. Anderson on his vest goes with the fact that he works in Seattle, on the 47th parallel, where much of this psyop