Eric Adams fundraising chief, raided by feds, November 2, 2023 (it’s about race & 59)

Biblical Federal Freemasonry Government Jewish Related New World Order News Politics Racism Secret Societies

On the day leaving 59 days in the year, someone connected to Eric Adams, the second black mayor of New York City, gets raided by the feds? It never ends.
Ephesians 6:5-9
Motown in ’59

Renegade=59 (Obama’s secret service name)
-Barack Obama = 76
-Acts 7:6
-The recognition of Black History Month in ’76
A Promised Land = 59 & 76 (Obama’s book released on day leaving 44 days in the year)

Don’t forget tat Black History Month’s end on the 59th day of the year (except in leap years).

And in this case, the woman raided is Brianna.
Brianna = 59

This news breaks Thursday, November 2, 2023.

Notice the raid came minutes before his meeting with Joe Biden, the winner of the “59th US Presidential Election.”

Keep in mind the first black mayor of New York City was the 106th, and Eric Adams is the 110th.
Prophecy = 110 & 106
Black Lives Matter = 106
Black Power = 106
Black = 106

Don’t forget 106 & Park, or that Obama’s A Promised Land came out 106 days after his birthday. To be more specific, it released 106 days after his 59th birthday.

Today is the 106th birthday of the Balfour Declaration, and Israel has had a major impact in this world in terms of who are perceived as Jews, the chosen people of the Bible.

And don’t forget how the prophecy of Acts 7:6 tied in with world events in 2020, the year Obama’s book released.

For one more, today is the 63rd day of Eric Adam’s age, 63.
Racism = 63

Rabbinic Judaism = 63

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