Fire burns Amazon distribution center outside of Los Angeles, June 5, 2020
A day after the news of how much Amazon and Jeff Bezos have benefited from the Jesuit inspired coronavirus scam, one of their warehouses, outside of LA, has burned. Notice how Redlands, California sums to 84, the same as Jesuit. Read more about the prior day’s news here:
The Jesuit Order = 84; The Catholic Church = 84
This occurred June 5, or 5/6, while Jeff Bezos is 56-years-old.
The Jesuits are the Society of Jesus.
Keep in mind the Jesuit motto, “Go forth and set the world on fire.”
The June 4 news of Bezos billions growth came 144-days after his birthday:
The warehouse burned 145-days after his birthday. *Catholic = 145
For one last point, ‘Amazon’, ‘fire’ and ‘coronavirus’ all have something in common.
Again, Jeff Bezos is 56-years-old. This occurred June 5, or 5/6.
In light of the media mentioning 600,000 square feet of space burning, and Amazon’s connection to 70, those numbers come together in the Bible.