Glenn Foster Jr. of the Saints, dead at 31, December 6, 2021, the 201st day of the Ignatian Year

This man, who played for the Saints, dropped dead at the young age of 31 on the 201st day of the Ignatian Year. Again, you can’t get more Catholic than the Saints.
Glenn Foster Jr. = 163 (38th prime)
-Death = 38 / 97
-He wore #97 and #74
-Killing = 74
-Jesus = 74
-Cross = 74
-Messiah = 74
-Gospel = 74
He died 27-weeks after his birthday. *Ritual = 27

It was also 6-months and 6-days, on the 6th (666).
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The Cowboys beat the Saints with 27-points in a game right before his death.
New Orleans scored 17-points in that game as both teams combined for 44-points, 4-days before his death. 4 & death.
“Saints” = 44 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Seventeen” = 44 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Four Days” = 44 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Kill” = 44 (English Ordinal)
Saints scored 17 to match his 17-games that he played with them.
Game was on 12/2; “Satanic” = 122 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Foster Jr.” = 666 (English Sumerian)
“Former Saints Player Glenn Foster Jr. Dies at 31″ = 216 (Single Reduction)(6X6X6)
74+97 = 171, the 18th triangular number(6+6+6)
97-74 = 23; 2/3 = .666
9+7+7+4 = 27; he died 27-weeks after his birthday, and the Cowboys beat his team with 27-points before his death.
‘Seventy-four’ = ‘Ninety-seven’ = 53/55; *”Satan” = 55 (English Ordinal)
“Saints Player, Glenn Foster Jr.” = 353 (Reverse Ordinal)(71st prime; “Catholic” = 71 (English Ordinal)
“Saints Player, Glenn Foster Jr.” = 322 (English Ordinal)
He died 27-weeks after his birthday, while the Cowboys beat his Saints with 27-points, 27-days before Sean Payton’s birthday.
That win for Dallas over the Saints came a span of 74-days from the Super Bowl.
“Dallas Cowboys” = 74 (Reverse Full Reduction)