Hanson Robotics September 11, 2021 announcement to begin mass producing Sophia the Robot (in light of 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Dartmouth Workshop & September 11, 2001)

Big Tech Entertainment Jesuit New World Order News Predictive Programming Science Technology Terrorism

Read my initial post on Sophia and her debut 56 days after her developer’s birthday.
-It relates to the Rockefeller Darmouth Workshop of ’56 and more
-As you read ahead, remember the Rockefellers were behind the WTC buildings in NYC

Notice, this article on the mass production of Sophia was published September 11, 2021, on the 20-year anniversary of 9/11.
Sophia = 68 / 94
World Trade Center = 94
-Construction began in ’68
2001: A Space Odyssey came out in 1968
-Building opened on 94th day of ’73 (April 4, 1973)
-April 4, or 4/4 (AI = 44)

Notice the logo for Sophia’s maker, Hanson Robotics, has a log that should remind you of 9/11.

And as Rambo points out in his latest videos, the Millennium Hilton Hotel is right across the street from where the World Trade Centers once were, and it is modeled after an object from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, plus its logo is similar to Hanson Robotics, and it also has symbolism that reminds us of 9/11.

Again, from 1968 to 2001 was 33-years.
Hilton = 33
False Flag = 33
Secrecy = 33
Order = 33
Masonry = 33

With regards to September 11, 2021…
Sophia = 68 / 94
World Trade Center = 94
-Construction began in ’68
-9-1-1 made dialing code in ’68
-G.W.B. graduated from Yale with 911 members in his class in ’68
2001: A Space Odyssey came out in 1968
Building opened on 94th day of ’73 (April 4, 1973)
-April 4, or 4/4 (*AI = 44)

And notice, 2001: A Space Odyssey came out April 2, 1968, on the 13-year anniversary of the Dartmouth Workshop being formally proposed

April 2 1968 was 93rd day of the leap year & a date with 93 numerology


June 18 is the 169th day of the year
-169, Square Root of 13
-2001: A.S.O. released 13-years after plan for workshop (above)

From the Dartmouth establishment anniversary date, December 13, 1955, to the workshop start date, June 18, 1956, was 188-days later.
Bavarian Illuminati = 188 / 80
-Hanson Robotics = 80


And notice that on January 27, 2001, plans were announced for mass production.


Ground Zero = 127
Buildings 1, 2 and 7
Bavarian Illuminati = 127 / 80
Hanson Robotics = 80
-Mercury, Atomic Numer 80

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