Hurricane Ernesto knocks out power to half of Puerto Rico, Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Today is the first of the last 140 days of the year (Puerto Rico=140).
Today is also the 277th day of the Superior General’s age (59th prime — Puerto Rico=59).
The name of the storm fits with the Wednesday impact on Puerto Rico.
193, 44th prime *Wednesday=44 *Military=44 *HAARP=44
And as we covered prior, Ernesto has the flood connection too.
239, 52nd prime *Hurricane=52 *Earth=52 *Flood=52
Read more about Ernesto and the Jesuits in light of tomorrow, August 15, 2024, being the 72nd anniversary of weather warfare being admitted to (Jesuit Order=72).
For another point, today has 66 date numerology and the capital of Puerto Rico is on the 66th Meridian West (8+14+20+24=66).
Read about Hurricane Maria hitting Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017 here.
Hurricane Maria=139 (today leaves 139 days in the year)
It was reported as the worst storm to hit Puerto Rico in 85 years (Hurricane Ernesto=85).
That storm hit on a Wednesday as well, exactly 360 weeks ago.
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Oh, you were caught lying, again. Nothing special, that’s just how you operate.