Ivana and Donald Trump, and the Jesuit Symbols of the Staircase and the Twins

When news broke that Donald Trump’s ex-wife Ivana was found dead at the bottom of a staircase on July 14th, 2022 it instantaneously evoked images of Freemason iconography — specifically the allegorical image on the tracing board of the Freemason Entered Apprentice; which features a ladder in between pillars. A staircase between twin pillars is one of the most popular Allegorical images of Freemasonry. As I mention often: many rituals bring 2 dimensional archetypal images — such as the tracing board of the 1 st degree Entered Apprentice of Freemasonry — into 3 dimensional reality.
This is not to say that all freemasonry is evil. There are positive lessons from ancient knowledge behind these icons, but the infiltration of Freemasonry by the Bavarian Illuminati was openly celebrated at the 1786 Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Hanau, Germany. So a negative interpretation of otherwise positive symbols does occur.

After news of Ivana Trump’s death at the bottom of a staircase broke, the immediate visual comparison made was with Donald Trump’s famous escalator ride on the 16th of June, 2015 at Trump Tower when he announced his 2016 Presidential candidacy.

The archetype here is the ladder/stairway — in this case escalator — between twin pillars. Twins are the symbol of the zodiac sign of Gemini. Donald Trump is a Gemini, so he is the twin pillars. Donald Trump is — for obvious reasons — associated with Ivana Trump, and thus he is the twin pillars – in spirit – flanking that staircase.

The ladder between the pillars is portrayed in the tracing board of the Freemason Entered Apprentice. The emphasis here is on the term: “APPRENTICE”, which — again, for obvious reasons — is a Donald Trump reference; Donald Trump being the star – on prime time television for 15 years – of “The Apprentice”.

Another escalator story related to a ritual death of a female at the bottom of the stairs/escalator is the February 11th, 2017 death ( after falling off an escalator at the Oculus transportation hub in New York City in the shadow of the World Trade Center Freedom Tower ) of Jenny Santos who was with her TWIN sister Jessica at the time of the fall.

So, again: twin symbolism and ladder/stairs symbolism, and a female dead at the bottom of the stairs.

The aftermath of the World Trade Center event of 2001 dominated the news but that year the press was also captivated by the death of Kathleen Peterson who was found dead at the foot of a staircase; a death for which her husband Michael Peterson was initially convicted.

Before marrying Kathleen, Michael Peterson had a female friend Elizabeth Ratliff who — 16 years earlier — was also found dead at the bottom of her stairs. Multiple television productions, movies and books were made regarding the Kathleen Peterson death and Michael Peterson narrative, the most famous of which was the Netflix miniseries The Staircase. So not one but two women associated with Michael Peterson found dead at the bottom of staircases.
The identical scenarios represent the TWIN imagery that accompanies the staircase.

Donald Trump’s historical escalator ride is known as “The Escalator Ride” which is a virtual supermatch in the base ciphers of English gematria with “Michael Peterson” whose wife ended up in a similar scenario as Donald Trump’s ex-wife did.

“The Escalator Ride” and “Michael Peterson” both sum to 73. Ivana Trump died at age 73. Her name “Ivana Marie Trump” sums to 73.”Ritual Sacrifice” has a value of 73.

Trump’s historical escalator ride is known as “The Escalator Ride” or — in the case of the British newspaper The Guardian “The Golden Escalator Ride”. Ivana Trump died on July 14th which is one of the most recognized national days in the world: the French Bastille Day.

“Golden Escalator Ride” and “Bastille Day” have double overlap in gematria.

The most iconic and recognized staircase; popularized by fiction is the so-called Exorcist Steps from the psychological horror classic The Exorcist III. The Exorcist Steps have become a tourist attraction in Georgetown, Washington D.C. The stairs are featured on the iconic movie poster for The Exorcist III. The character who died falling down the steps in The Exorcist III is Jesuit priest Father Damien Karras who self sacrifices on the steps to kill a demon that is possessing him.

That demon is known as THE GEMINI KILLER or simply THE GEMINI. So, again: the stairs, and the twins. And a reminder that Donald Trump is a Gemini. The first victim of the Gemini Killer in The Exorcist III is named Thomas which means “TWIN”. Thomas Kintry. And Thomas Kintry is a twin as we see the killer pass someone identical to Thomas Kintry and then approach Kintry about a block away.

The Exorcist III takes place in Jesuit Georgetown, Washington D.C. and even pays homage to the founder of the Jesuit Order St. Ignatius of Loyola in a scene where his picture is displayed on the wall of a cafeteria.

The staircase is an icon of the Jesuit Order. They were founded in Montmartre in Paris, France where they built the world famous Stairs of Montmartre.

The birthday of Ignatius of Loyola – is October 23rd. October 23rd is also the birthday of Michael Peterson who had two female associates end up dead at the bottom of staircases.

Donald Trump attended another Jesuit University: Fordham University in The Bronx, borough which also another set of “Jesuit Stairs” made famous by the 2019 movie “Joker” which also stars a serial killer.

The stairway imagery can refer to Jacob’s Ladder from the Bible’s book of Genesis. Jacob was the TWIN brother of Esau, so you see the twin and staircase symbolism together again. Freemason iconography references Jacob’s Ladder which is said to be a “LADDER TO HEAVEN” which sums to 1023 in the Latin/Agrippa/Jewish cipher of English gematria.

1023 like October 23rd the birthday of Michael Peterson and Ignatius of Loyola whose Jesuits adopt the staircase imagery and who infiltrated Freemasonry through the Scottish Rite.
Michael Peterson’s two female associates ended up dead at the foot of staircases just as Ivana Trump ended up dead at the foot of a staircase. It was hPeterson’s wife Kathleen’s death that earned him a prison sentence.
Kathleen Peterson’s birthday; February 21st is the day after Ivana Trump’s birthday.

Ivana Trump died on July 14th, 2022, 221 days before her upcoming birthday. 221 like the birthday of Kathleen Peterson who died in similar circumstances as Ivana Trump; February 21st.

In The Exorcist III the victims all have names that start with the letter “K”. The person who died on the Exorcist Steps in Georgetown was the Jesuit Priest Father Damien Karras. “Karras” starts with a K. Other victims were nurse Keating, a girl named Karen and Father Joseph Dyer whose middle name was Kevin. The Michael Peterson narrative synchronizes with The Exorcist III as his wife Kathleen died at the bottom of a staircase and has a name that starts with “K”.
Denver Broncos Wide Receiver Demaryius Thomas (Thomas means TWIN) died in 2021 on December 9th which was the anniversary of the death on the staircase of Kathleen Peterson. Before he died the Denver Broncos website did a pictorial special where they depicted him at his home on a staircase between twin pillars. His name “Thomas” means twin.

Demaryius Thomas wore jersey number 88. “TRUMP” equals 88. “SANTOS” also equals 88. Santos is the last name of the woman who fell from the New York City Oculus escalator in the presence of her twin sister.

Demaryius Thomas was born on December 25th. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was also born on December 25th and he also had an escalator moment related to his campaign just as Trump did, and it was in the same year 2015.

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Yahawah, 31 and 32
father = the same.
Order of Illuminati, 93
Ordo Malleus Maleficarum, 93
Amy Rose, 96 33 93 39
do exist, 96 33 93 39
Shadow the Hedgehog, 90 63
humanoid hedgehog, 90 63
anthropomorphic, 90
conspiracy, 123 51
Chaos Emeralds, 123 51
“Donald Trump attended another Jesuit University: Fordham University in The Bronx, borough which also another set of “Jesuit Stairs” made famous by the 2019 movie “Joker” which also stars a serial killer.”
“Demaryius Thomas wore jersey number 88. “TRUMP” equals 88. “SANTOS” also equals 88. Santos is the last name of the woman who fell from the New York City Oculus escalator in the presence of her twin sister.”
Bro, I think you nailed it. JOKER was released October 4, 2019, leaving 88 days in the year!