J. Robert Oppenheimer, the Manhattan Project, Trinity Test & September 11, 2001 56-years later… as well as 2022, 77-years later
Notice the gematria of J. Robert Oppenheimer.
(212) is the area code of Manhattan *Manhattan Project
94 is the Atomic Number of Plutonium
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274
-Jesuits operate in 112 countries
-Oppenheimer’s birthday was 112th day of year
Roman Catholic Church = 104 / 94
-Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz = 104
-Twin Towers = 104
-Recall the predictive programming for 9/11 on April 10, or 10/4
-9/11 mostly took place in ‘Manhattan’
-9/11 was 94-days before Dec. 14, 2001 (the Plutonium anniversary)
-WTCs opened on April 4, 1973 (94th day of the year)
Plutonium was reportedly discovered 129-days before Oppenheimer’s birthday
-Julius Robert Oppenheimer = 129
-New York City = 129
-America = 129
-Princeton = 129 (Where he died)
-129 is 201 in base 8 counting
-WTCs were massive 201 ritual
And notice how his place of death connects beyond just the 129.
Princeton = 129
And notice in 2019 Princeton simulated a nuclear attack that kills 91-million.
In the simulation 91-million die.
Plan A = 91 / 44
-Nuclear War = 44
-Military = 44
-Genocide = 44
-Georgia Guidestones turns 44 on March 22, 2024
-Georgia = 44
The code word for the bomb was ‘The Gadget.’
The Gadget = 41 / 77 / 166
-9/11/2001 (41 date num.)
-Oppenheimer was 41 at time of Trinity Test
—Trinity Test = 179 (41st prime)
-September Eleventh = 77
-World Trade Center = 77
-Secret Society = 77
-2022 marks 77-years since 1945
-Twin Towers = 166
-Secret Society = 166
As for the date of the Trinity Test, July 16, 1945, it was the 197th day of the year ’45.
197, 45th prime
Ritual = 45
It was also the day leaving 168-days in the year.
New York City = 168
-Reportedly 168-people killed in OKC bombing
-16/7 (167, 39th prime) *New York = 39
-George W. Bush = 167 (President at time of 9/11)
The test came 85-days after Oppenheimer’s birthday, or on his 86th day of his age.
September Eleventh = 85
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85
*Hiroshima occurred on August 6 (8/6)
*WTC construction began on August 6, 1968 (one year after his death)
*Nuclear Attack = 86
The bombing of Hiroshima came on his 107th day of his age, and the bombing of Nagasaki came on the 109 days after his birthday, August 6 and August 9.
Military = 107 / 109
As for the word ‘Trinity,’ it goes with the WTC coordinates on the 74th Meridian West.
Trinity = 74
-Trinity = 47
-New Mexico, 47th state
It also came 56-years before September 11, 2001.
Three = 56
Light = 56
Abrahamic = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
-Three planes on 9/11
-11+175+77 = 263 (56th prime) (9/11 Flights)
-Genesis 11:9
-Genesis 1:3
As for the name Jornada del Muerto, it goes with the 9/11 project going into motion in ’68, and the WTCs opening on the 94th day of 1973, April 4. It also goes with the firm from Seattle, Washington, not far from the ‘Hanford Site,’ being the first place nuclear energy was developed.
Notice that ‘nuclear energy’ equates to 68.
From July 16 to September 11 is a span of 58-days.
George W. Bush = 58
Bush = 58
-9/11 on his 68th day of his age
It goes with the Tsar Bomba experiment and its “58 megatons” of explosives.
And that ‘nuclear attack’ equates to 86.
As for the Atomic Bomb… it was proposed by Oppenheimer in ’39.
Atomic Bomb = 39 / 93 / 177
-Propaganda = 93 / 177
-The Jesuit Order = 177
-New York = 39
-’93 WTC Bombing
-Flight 93 on 9/11
Japan = 93 (Where they were dropped)
Read about the Trinitarian Formula and 93 here.
As for Urunaium, notice it’s Atomic Number is 92.
Manhattan = 92
Uranium = 92
As for the Trinity Test taking place at the 329th minute of the day, I think this movie was made in tribute.
The Atomic Kid = 329
-Released in ’54
-Jesuit Order = 54
Notice it runs 86 minutes long.
Jesuits = 86
To this gang, everything is a joke.
And regarding Oppenheimer’s quote about being “the destroyer of worlds,” it is another 274. As for “I am become death,” it equates to 104.
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April 8th will be 7+7+7 weeks before the 77th anniversary of the end of WW2. It will also be 666 weeks after the release of S. Darko.