Jamie Dimon says to prepare for recession, November 29, 2023
Jamie Dimon warns again of a potential collapse (he has been forecasting doom for more than a year now), on the 29th of November, on 83 date numerology, a Wednesday, named after Mercury, the trickster. It comes one day after the death of Charlie Munger, the business and market guru.
11/29/2023=11+29+20+23=83 (23rd prime, and the end of ’23)
It is a house of cards…
This comes 105 days before Jamie Dimon’s 68th birthday.
Order of Illuminati=105, Masonry=105
Mathematics=68, Catholicism=68
Market=68, Stock=68, CIA=68
This news also comes 261 days after his last birthday. *The United States of America=261