Jeffrey Dahmer’s survivor’s escape, July 22, 1991, 141 days after the Rodney King beating

Notice the date was July 22, or 22/7, like 227. *Jeffrey Dahmer = 227

This date was 141 days after the Rodney King beating of March 3, 1991.
Tracy Edwards = 141 (The man who escaped from Dahmer)

And Jeffrey Dahmer was born on May 21, the 141st day of the year.

Keep in mind sports are often synced with news. And in 1991, Chicago (near Milwaukee) beat the Los Angeles Lakers, 4-1, on June 11, 1991, 41 days before the July 22 escape.
And again, 17 victims…
Kill = 17 / 44
Wisconsin = 44
Read more about the new Netflix show on Jeffrey Dahmer here and the ritualistic release.
And here’s my old post from 2014 on Jeffrey Dahmer.