Joe Biden warns of oligarchy and tech-industrial complex in his farewell address, January 15, 2025

Biden’s farewell address came 56 days after his birthday (Washington DC=56, Society of Jesus=56).
It is a reminder he took office as VP with Obama after the 56th election (Black Lives Matter=56).
He also took office with a then 56-year-old Kamala Harris.
As for the word ‘oligarchy,’ it is perfect for #46 (Oligarchy=46, Catholic=46, *Elon=46).
As for the ‘tech industrial complex,’ it reminds us of Eisenhower’s Military Industrial Complex warning in 1961, just before JFK took office, who would be assassinated at age 46. The Gematria of the phrase is also of importance (tech-industrial complex=251, 54th prime — Jesuit Order=54).
Keep in mind that Elon Musk will turn 54 on June 28 of this year. Also, today is 201 days after Musk’s birthday (The Jesuit Order=201).

Eisenhower’s address was also 64 years ago, and today is 64 days after the Superior General’s birthday (Joe Biden=64, *Musk=64).
For one other point, he gave his address on 1/15 (Joe Biden=152, 152 is the 115th composite number).
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If you type in the google maps Piazza del Gesù, 54 (the mother Church and headquarter of Jesuits) and look from the street view on the buliding on the right side of that building, you will see another building numbered 45, right beside tha building number 54, and it is also jesuits building called “colegio de internazionale de gesu” and its address on google maps is Piazza del Gesu, 45… Building 54 side by side with building 45
JFK was in office 1036 days.
Forty Six – 136