Kamala Harris & Joe Biden’s July 4 remarks (in light of Kamala potentially becoming #47)

Catholic Church Death Elections Federal Freemasonry Government History Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Politics Secret Societies
8:15? 8/15 is the Jesuit Order’s birthday


Kamala Harris opened up the Fourth of July remarks with her and Joe Biden, July 4, 2024.

Keep in mind, if Joe Biden doesn’t finish his term, Kamala will become #47.

July 4 can be written 4/7.

It would go with Obama taking office at age 47, and Joe Biden being the 47th VP, who won Federal election in 1972, the year that was also the 47th US presidential election.
White House=47

Trump is running on Agenda 47 this year.

And the list goes on and on… and on and on… just like this.

Don’t forget the Masons and the 47th Problem of Euclid. *Foundation=47 (like 4/7, 4th of July)

Also, notice Joe Biden ended with the “four” chant, a number connected to death, and he was in the time of Cancer, the 4th astrological sign, a fateful time period for the US President.
Joe Biden=44 (VP to #44)

The remarks came 258 days after Kamala’s Oct. 20, 2023 birthday. *Order of Illuminati=258 & 201

They also came on the Pope’s 201st day of his age. *The Jesuit Order=201

July 5 is also 201 days after the Pope’s birthday, and Kamala is all the media is talking about today.
Ignatius of Loyola=201 & 75 (Jesuit founder)
Jorge Mario Bergolgio=201 (Pope Francis)

Keep in mind Gerald Ford’s October 18, 1989 remarks became the anniversary of Event 201, 30 years later. This is interesting for numerous reasons, but of course, Event 201 was put on by a Jesuit, Klaus Schwab (The Jesuit Order=201 & 177, Klaus Schwab=177).

July 4 was 227 days after Joe Biden’s November 20, 2023 birthday (49th prime) *Kamala Harris=49

Kamala is the 49th Vice President. *Washington=49 *America=49 *Catholicism=49

The ritual happened on “America’s” birthday.

Again, it was the nation’s 248th birthday. *President Donald Trump=248

And remember what Gerald Ford said about the first female US President, October 18, 1989, the day leaving 74 days in the year, not far off from July 4. *Independence Day=74 *Holiday=74 *Masonic=74

The 74 list is long and explains why 3 of the first 5 US Presidents died on 7/4 *Killing=74

Of course, Gerald Ford delivered his remarks at the Herbert Hoover Library, named after the 31st US President, who died the same day Kamala Harris was born, October 20, 1964. *We are in the time of the 31st Superior General (11th prime — 11, master number).

October 20, 1964, was 110 days after the US Civil Rights Act was signed on July 2 of that year.

The 7/2 date goes with Kamala being born on the day, leaving 72 days in the year.
Jesuit Order=72 *President Biden=72 *President Trump=72

Also noteworthy, July 4 was 37 days before Herbert Hoover’s birthday anniversary. He was born in ’74.
Joe Biden=37 *Harris=37

His 150th birthday anniversary is this year. *Illuminati=150

It will be the last day of his 149th year on August 9 (149, 35th prime, JFK #35).

Also, July 4 was 108 days before Kamala’s upcoming birthday, going with his birthday being 10/8.

JFK died in ‘Dealey Plaza.’ *Dealey Plaza=108 *Geometry=108 & 108 *Gematriot=108

108 has a lot to do with many things, including the geometry of the sun, moon & earth.

Keep in mind August 10 will be days after Obama’s 63rd birthday, like how JFK was shot in ’63.

August 10 is 71 days before Kamala’s birthday. *Kamala Devi Harris=71 *Catholic=71 +++

Don’t forget Ford made his remarks in ’89, the 24th prime, and here we are in 2024.

And don’t forget, a few weeks back, we talked about Biden potentially leaving office on August 14, the chief establishment anniversary, but this August 10 date is also one to keep an eye on. Something significant may have happened in this period just after Obama’s 63rd birthday. Speaking of which, August 9, the day prior, is the day leaving 144 days in the year (Jesuit Order=144, President Biden=144).

*August 10 is 87 days before the election *Voting=87 *The Catholic Church=87 (The Pope is 87)
*August 9 is 88 days before the election *Trump=88 *Poison=88 *Arsenic Poisoning=88

August 9 (the date of Ford’s remarks), or 8/9, is like ’89.

There is something interesting astrologically about August 9 this year.

Parade of planets=63 (JFK in ’63, and day after Obama’s 63rd birthday…)

And last year Biden had the assassination scare story on August 9, the date of an assassination in South America. It was in Venezuela and it paid tribute to ’63 and JFK’s killing, at age 46, like Joe Biden is #46, elected 46 weeks after the Pope’s birthday (Catholic=46).

*Gerald Ford=54 & 54 *Jesuit Order=54 (not his birth name)

Ford was the 38th President, who replaced Nixon, on August 9, 1974 (that date, that year, ’74).

DC is on the 38th Parallel North.

He predicted the death of an old man *Death=38 *Murder=38 *Killing=38 *RIP=38

Keep in mind Kamala is 59 right now, and won the 59th US Pres. election with Biden. *Kill=59

*And for one more thought about dates after Obama’s 63rd birthday, it is August 7, or 8/7, or 7/8, where 87 and 78 are very prominent at this time of the Pope being 87, and Trump being 78, the same age Biden took office at (The Catholic Church=87, Jesuit=78).

That day is 185 weeks after Biden took office
Donald John Trump=185 *Catholicism=185 *Mathematics=185

You might recall the World Trade Centers came down 185 days after bin Laden’s birthday.
World Trade Center=185

The patterns are deep.


  1. Truth Reject on July 5, 2024 at 1:26 pm

    Scary Movie 3 released on October 20, 2003
    Same day as Kamala Harris’ birthday.
    It also features Leslie Nielsen as President Harris.

  2. Truth Reject on July 5, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    The remarks on July fourth also come 4 years & 7 days after the news Kamala Harris became president for 85 mins November 19, 2021

    • Truth Reject on July 5, 2024 at 2:37 pm

      Edit: the timespan was 4 years and 7 months.
      (Not 7 days.)

    • Truth Reject on July 5, 2024 at 2:46 pm

      Edit: disregard. Incorrect start date.. was measuring from 2019.

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