Liam Payne, dead 33 days before Up All Night’s 13th birthday, October 16, 2024
He has died on a Wednesday (Wednesday=44, Kill=44, One Direction=193, 44th prime).
He has died in Argentina (Argentina=44).
Keep in mind he died in the Pope’s country, 62 days before his December 17 birthday (Sacrifice=62).
That means he also died 27 days before the Superior Genearl’s birthday (Ritual=27, Balcony=27).
The band has other fateful gematria (One Direction=67, Blood Sacrifice=67, Human Sacrifice=67).
Their debut album is ‘Up All Night,’ and he has died 33 days before its 13th birthday (Order=33, Secrecy=33, Masonry=33, *October=33).
He is also dead 48 days after his birthday (Up All Night=48, Freemason=48, Illuminati=48).
Keep in mind the divisors of 33 sum to 48.
They got their start on ‘The X Factor,’ another 48.
Columbia is his record label, matching his age age of death, 31.
His last single was put out on March 1, or 3/1.
It was a date with 48 numerology (3+1+20+24=48).
The name of the song, ‘Teardrops,’ equates to 127, the 31st prime number.
The most famous member of the group he started with, Harry Styles, also equates to 127.
He died 258 days after Harry Styles’ birthday.
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70 Date Numerology. “Buenos Aires” = 70.
Translates to “Good Air”…..bit of a sick joke “falling through the air to his death”, so we’re told.
Liam Payne is a super perfect match with “Freemason”
Sorry, you already wrote about the Freemason part, apologies
13 inches equals 33 centimeters…