Massive Tyre Nichols protest in Memphis, TN on I-55 bridge just before 55th anniversary of MLK assassination in the city, January 27, 2023

Notice the Memphis protest was on the Interstate 55 bridge. Again, April 4, 2023 will be the 55 year anniversary of the killing of MLK in Memphis.
Read about the Grizzlies becoming 55-55 against Minnesota on this same day here.
Read about the officers hitting Tyre Nichols 9 times in 4 minutes here.
The latter detail goes with MLK being killed on April 4, the 94th day of the year.
Roman Catholic Church = 94
Minneapolis is on I-94
From the protest to April 4 is a span of 68 days, like MLK killed in ’68.
Catholicism = 68
Solar System = 68
Mathematics = 68
Basketball = 68
CIA = 68

And notice the image of ‘Crump’ Blvd.
Benjamin Crump = 58
Tyre Nichols = 58
Freemasonry = 58
Secret Society = 58
Fraternal = 58