Media connects RFK Jr.’s anti-vaccine mandate speech to anti-semitism & Pfizer announces Omicron clinical trial, January 25, 2022

Catholic Church Coronavirus Jesuit Jewish Related New World Order News Pharmaceutical Tyranny Politics

Notice where ‘Anti-semitism’ meets ‘Defeat the Mandates,’ the RFK Jr. rally.

Pandemic = 151
The Great Reset = 151
-First case of Covid-19 confirmed in U.S. on 15/1
-Jan. 15 was anniversary of release of Utopia in 2013 (about pandemic conspiracy)

Read about the January 15, or 15/1 ritual in Colleyville, Texas with the synagogue hostage situation.
Colleyville, Texas = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
-Event 201

Read about Anne Frank and the number 84 here.
Fauci, head of NIH since ’84
-United States of America = 84
-The Catholic Church = 84
-The Jesuit Order = 84
Anne Frank = 84
Sunday = 84
-Jesuit = 84

Don’t forget the U.S. and Vatican have had diplomatic relations since ’84.
-And RFK Jr.’s speech was on Georgetown’s birthday…

Recall, Omicron became the news on Black Friday, November 26, 2021, and it came from the black continent, Africa.

That was 60-days ago.
Clinical Trial = 60
Nigger = 60 / 42
Order = 60
*Omicron = 42

And today is 25/1, like 251, the 54th prime.
Jesuit Order = 54
Jesuit = 42

Don’t overlook the 8-weeks and 4-days either.
Jesuit = 84

And don’t overlook that this news comes on a date with 68 numerology.
1/25/2022 = 1+25+20+22 = 68
Coronavirus coined in ’68

And I won’t be surprised if the vaccine is approved on March 8, 42-days from today.
Omicron = 42
Vaccine = 42
Jesuit = 42

Plus that date can be written 3/8.
Africa = 38

It will be in Pisces, and Omicron is a star in Pisces.


  1. aaron00022 on January 25, 2022 at 4:36 pm

    Yo, do a interview with this guy Alex Stein from Conspiracy Castle

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