Myanmar’s (Burma’s) military ruler declares himself Prime Minister, August 1, 2021, on a SUNDAY!!!! (Jesuit World Order confirmed)

Jesuit Military New World Order News Religion War

From the February 1 overthrow, to the Sunday, August 1 announcement, is 181 days later.
181, 42nd prime
Jesuit = 42 / 21

Recall the significant of the February 1, or 2/1 overthrow by the military.
War = 21 / 42
Army = 21
Jesuit = 21

In this case the news comes on a Sunday.
Sunday = 21 / 78 / 84
Jesuit = 21 / 78 / 84

And as I’ve been explaining, all of this is clearly Jesuit ritual, thus the latest on 8/1, or 1/8.
Ritual = 81 / 81
IHS = 18 / 18

IHS in the Jesuit logo stands for ‘Iesus Hominum Salvator’.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85
Templar = 85 (Templar cross in Jesuit logo)
Christ = 85

The Phrase means ‘Jesus, savior of mankind.’
Jesus = 61 (18th prime)
Cross = 61
Church = 61
Christian = 61
Christmas = 61

Christmas is at the Pagan time of celebrating the resurrection of the ‘sun’.
Sun = 18
IHS = 18

This news on a Sunday…, a very Catholic day.

And of course the Jesuit logo is the ‘sun’ with ‘IHS’ in the middle.

And don’t forget about Captain Tom’s death in the Jesuit ritual, one day after the Burmese military overthrew the Jesuit puppet government (established September 27 in history, the Jesuit Day), on February 2. He was known for the “Burma Campaign.”

Read more about that here.

And admire the 56, 79 gematria in ‘Burma Campagin’.

How many signers on the Declaration of Independence? 56?

And here’s one more thing about becoming Prime Minister on a ‘Sunday’.

And here’s a bit more on the Burma Campaign (World War II).
World War = 42
War = 42
Jesuit = 42
*Japan = 42

September 13 is the day leaving 109 days left in the year.
Military = 109

December 14 is the day in history George Washington died.
December Fourteenth = 187
Twelve Fourteen = 187
Society of Jesus = 187


  1. aaron00022 on August 2, 2021 at 2:21 pm
    • Zachary Hubbard on August 2, 2021 at 3:35 pm

      He got 86’d on the 86th day of the year.

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