Nancy Pelosi becomes first US speaker to visit Taiwain in 25-years, August 2, 2022
Nancy Pelosi is 82-years-old, and 82 and 28 are the numbers of the day.
Here are some 82 words to think about in light of what is happening.
COVID = 82
Game = 82
Flag = 82
Conflict = 82
Ordo Ab Chao = 82
Soldier = 82
Loyola = 82
Sun God = 82 (Sol-die-r)
Armageddon = 82
Here are some buzzing words in recent times.
*Gasoline = 82 (You know)
*Exxon = 82 (Record profits…)
*Volcano = 82 (Japan)
*Flooding = 82 (All over)
This news comes Tuesday, August 2, 2022, the day of the week named after the God of War, Mars. The date cane be written 2/8 or 8/2, like 28 and 82.
–China = 28 (2/8 date)
There are rumors of war.
Soldier = 82 / 107 (28th prime)
It comes 129-days after Nancy Pelosi’s birthday (130th day of her age).
-129 is 201 in base-8
-Washington = 130
It comes on a date with 52 numerology.
8/2/2022 = 8+2+20+22 = 52
Government = 52
Authority = 52
Nancy Pelosi = 52
Keep in mind she is born on 26/3 and has a 56 name as well.
263, 56th prime
Taipei, Taiwan = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
Washington D.C. = 56
It comes 336-days after Tsai Ing-wen’s birthday (span of 337-days)
-337, 68th prime
–Taiwan = 68
-World War history and 68…
–Albert Pike’s letter about Three World Wars on August 15, 1871, the Jesuits 337th birthday
-Art of War, the Jesuits and 68 paragraphs…
It comes 49-days after Xi Jinping’s birthday (span of 50)
-Washington = 49 / 50
Today is 46-days after Newt Gingrich’s birthday, or his 47th day of his age.
-He was the last US House Speaker to go to Taiwan (April 2, 1997).
–Government = 47
–Authority = 47
–Time = 47
–In the time of #46
–Catholic = 46 (Nancy & Biden both Catholic)
Recall, ‘Taipei’ has the 102 connection.
Taipei = 102
Art of War = 102
World War = 102
And 11-days after today is August 13, the 225th day of the year, a number that has A LOT to do with great destruction, which is what war is.
August 13 will also be 170-days after February 24, 2022, the day Russia-Ukraine broke out, and China’s air force did a fly by of Taiwan.
World War Three = 170
Read more about Taiwan news by the numbers in 2022 here.
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“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work…” – THE WORD OF GOD