Neil Young says either his music is off Spotify, or Joe Rogan’s Covid-19 misinformation is, January 25, 2022 news

Celebrity Coronavirus Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers New World Order News Pharmaceutical Tyranny

Defeat the Mandates = 151
The Great Reset = 151
Pandemic = 151
-First case in U.S., 15/1 (Jan. 15, 2020)

This is the news on 25/1, like 251.
Neil Percival Young = 251

251, 54th prime
Jesuit Order = 54
Joe Rogan is 54-years-old

Neil Young has the same birthday as the Superior General, Arturo Sosa. Today is 74-days after his November 12 birthday.
Jesus = 74
Cross = 74
Messiah = 74
Gospel = 74
Parables = 74
-Spotify = 79
-Yeshua = 79
-Society of Jesus = 79

Read about the death of Neil Young’s wife by the numbers, January 1, 2019.
-His first album just turned 53-years-old on Jan. 22, 2022
-His tweet was January 24, or 24/1 (241, 53rd prime)
Covid = 53

Read more about Joe Rogan and Covid-19 here.

For one more, Neil Young has the song “The Needle and the Damage Done.” It will turn 50-years old on February 1, 2022, released in ’72.
Jesuit Order = 72
February = 42
Harvest = 42 (album name)
Vaccine = 42
Neil Young = 50
America = 50
Washington = 50
Jesuits = 50

And notice that Neil Young is reportedly a polio survivor.

Recall, Elvis got the polio vaccine on TV on October 28, 1956, on Jonas Salk’s 42nd birthday, and Bill Gates 1st birthday. And on December 8, 2020, Bill Gates’ 42nd day of his age, the coronavirus vaccine went live in the world.
Vaccine = 42
Harvest = 42


  1. Rick Godley on January 26, 2022 at 2:57 am

    My my, hey,hey. Coming from a guy who thinks welfare mothers make better plovers.

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