Occult Symbolism of The Jesuit Order and Aleister Crowley’s LAW OF REVERSAL.

Catholic Church Christianity Coronavirus Esoteric Rambo's Corner Secret Societies

In my previous article I demonstrated how the Society of Jesus a.k.a. Jesuit Order emblem (below) reads differently upside-down than it does right-side-up.

We see this in the Tarot tradition where a card has a different meaning right-side-up than it does upside-down.

A priest class rules the elite from behind the scenes. But one member of the covert priest/shaman/magician class that was IN FRONT of the scenes is Briton Aleister Crowley.

His practices and teachings have informed those of today’s “hidden hand” priest class.

Aleister Crowley’s magnum opus is said to be Liber Al vel Legis a.k.a. The Book of the Law. In Book 4 of that work he preaches THE OCCULT LAW OF REVERSAL.

This is where the music industry learned back masking; putting hidden messages in lyrics that can be understood when recordings are played backwards.

The Beatles probably have done more back-masking that any other musicians. No coincidence that they feature Aleister Crowley on the cover of their album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (below).

This is a quote from Paul Mc Cartney as recorded in The Memoirs of Billy Shears by Thomas E Uharriet, Chapter 5 Drive My Car Backwards.

In 2004 recording artist Danger Mouse produced an album titled The Grey Album. On it he combines samples of The Beatles’ The White Album and Jay Z’s The Black Album.

Grey, white and black are Papal references: The Grey Pope, The White Pope, and The Black Pope.

When the interlude to Danger Mouse’s The Grey Album, Jay Z vs The Beatles , is played in REVERSE it reveals Jay Z clearly saying ” MURDER, MURDER JESUS SIX, SIX, SIX.”

This is a Youtube video of the back-masked track:


No surprise that the title of Jay Z’s album sums to 666 in Sumerian cipher.

The Beatles have displayed upside-down crosses in publicity photos (below).

In inverting the Jesuit logo one is inverting the cross.

The upside-down cross symbol has multiple meanings.

  1. St. PETER’S CROSS. St. Peter is said to have been crucified upside-down.

St. Peter is the patron saint of the Catholic Church.

Pope John Paul II was famously pictured on a throne with an upside-down cross on it (below).

2. The inverted cross is also popular with Satanic institutions and rituals, and with some who want to portray a Satanic image.

3. In astrology the upside-down cross is the MUTABLE CROSS, which is formed by Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius.


Melinda Gates; a Catholic, appeared on NBC’s The Today Show in May of 2020 touting her world-vaccination program while wearing an upside-down necklace pendant.

her defenders will say that because she is Catholic, the pendant represents St. Peter’s cross. But considering that she openly, unapologetically espouses the culling of the world’s population (primarily Africans), the pendant realistically represents evil.

Even Eliphas Levi; French occultist heavily influential in Freemasonry and creator of the Baphomet symbol, described the upside-down cross as “INDICATIVE OF SATANIC INFLUENCES.”

201 is a major number in the Corona Virus saga with EVENT 201 – of which The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was apart – foreshadowing the event.

UPSIDE DOWN CROSS sums to 201 and synchs with THE JESUIT ORDER.

The upside-down cross is also called The Anti-Christ Cross.

It is also known as the Petrine Cross.

Melinda Gates wore the Petrine Cross on The Today Show.


Some interpret The Devil or Satan as the Canaanite god MOLECH; a humanoid with a bull’s head. A Papal decree is called a Papal Bull.

Ancient Phoenician Canaanites would sacrifice live human infants to the fires of Molech statues. The Phoenicians fled to Northern Italy and became Venetians. Venice spawned the Jesuit Order.

On September 9th, 2019 a statue of Molech was erected at The Colosseum in Rome, to many people’s astonishment. Given the Phoenician/Venetian Canaanite lineage, this should not be a surprise.

56 is a major Corona Virus code number:

California governor Gavin Newsom famously predicted that 56% of Californians would contract the virus in 56 days.

The Roman Empire is known as “The New Babylon.”

HICKOK458 did a decode on the excrement theme. Read his post on freetofindtruth:


He mentions the 1999 movie DOGMA by Catholic Kevin Smith. The movie was denounced by Catholics as “blasphemous.” It features a creature made up of human feces named the Golgothan. This is a reference to GOLGOTHA the location of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.

Another name of the creature is THE EXCREMENTAL.

The excrement/toilet paper theme appears to be an Anti-Christ statement.


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  2. Goblin on November 18, 2021 at 8:16 pm

    This is all wrong.

    Aleister Crowley was no fan of the Jesuit Order, nor a member.

    However, there is a more important person that was, and he is responsible for the destruction of The Golden Dawn and the defaming of Aleister Crowley. That man is: Arthur Waite, the Jesuit, member of The Golden Dawn, and creator of the Rider-Waite Tarot.

    Crowley and Waite were rivals within The Golden Dawn. Crowley wanted the GD to keep it’s ritual, right hand magick path roots, while the Jesuit, Arthur Waite, corrupted the GD with dreamy mysticism. Waite was responsible for the destruction and discrediting of the GD, and occultism in general. After all, the Jesuit Order can’t have anyone using magick against them. So they send in spies/agents and discredit whatever it is that leads to spiritual growth and enlightenment.

    Do a match for ‘Arthur Waite’ and ‘Jesuit Order’ = 13 perfect matches. Not the same at all for Crowley.

    Here’s a short article about their rivalry: http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/A.E._Waite

    And here’s a 1914 essay by Crowley where he calls out Waite and his ‘Black Brotherhood’ (the Jesuit Order): https://lib.oto-usa.org/crowley/essays/dangers-mysticism.html

    • Rambo on November 19, 2021 at 10:24 am

      Thank You. I appreciate the perspective and education. I will definitely read those articles. I am trying to be as objective as possible. Thanks.

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