October 21 | Bannon in contempt & murderous Haitian gangster propaganda by the numbers

Catholic Church Jesuit New World Order News Terrorism
It is Kyrsten Sinema’s 102nd day of her age *Kyrsten Sinema = 56 / 79 *Society of Jesus = 56 / 79

First Bannon, with the big news in D.C. coming on his 47th week of his age.

DC = 47
Trump = 47
Government = 47
Authority = 47
Republican = 47
Democrat = 47
President = 47
White House = 47

Never forget, the cornerstone for D.C. was laid September 18, 1793, a date with 47 numerology.
Vatican = 47
Francis = 47
France = 47

Today leaves 71 days in the year.
Catholic = 71
Peter = 71 (Thursday named after Jupiter or “Jew-Peter”)
Steve = 71

Read more about 47 and Donald Trump here.

Recall Nancy’s record speech, 47 days from her birthday.

For more 47, it is Haiti.
Haiti = 47

Notice, this news comes on the day leaving 71 days in the year, and he has 17 captives, who he is willing to kill.
Kill = 17

The capture was October 16, the day leaving 76 days in the year, the anniversary of the Million Man March.
Slave = 76
Negro = 76
Blues = 76
Rasta = 76

Haiti is an old slave trading port.


Do you think it is an accident they put 8 and 3 next to each other?, or 3 and 6?
Murder = 83
666, 36th tri. number

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