Officer Ashton Packe remembers the deadly Las Vegas shooting that killed 58 people, October 1, 2017
Notice, the officer remembering the shooting that killed “58,” is named ‘Ashton Packe.’
Fraternal = 58
Secret Society = 58
Rosicrucian = 58
Freemasonry = 58
Solomon’s Temple = 58
Tracing Board = 58
Recall, the Governor of the state at the time, Brian Sandoval, was born on August 5, or 5/8, and the shooting happened on his 58th day of his age.
He was 54 at the time.
Jesuit Order = 54
And recall, Jason Aldean was performing.
Jason Aldean = 201
The Las Vegas Strip = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
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Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department = 201 (RR)