Olivia Newton-John dead from cancer at 73, August 8, 2022, after 44th anniversary of Grease

Grease came out 44-years ago, June of 1978.

She is dead on her ranch as well.
Ranch = 18+1+14+3+8 = 44
And she is dead on a Monday, named after the moon, ruled by cancer.
Keep in mind John Travolta is 68, and this death comes in the time of Leo the Lion.
Helios = 68 (the sun)
-He was born in ’54
-Sun = 54
-Death span of 54-days from June 16 Grease release

Today leaves 145-days in the year.
Catholic = 145
-Catholicism = 68
-Solar System = 68
-Mathematics = 68
Kelly Preston died July 12, 2020, 145-days after John Travolta’s birthday.
145 more chapters in Catholic OT than Protestant
-Jewish = 88 (OT is Jewish section of Bible)
She is dead 49-days before her birthday, in the time of Leo, the sun.
Leo = 49
-Travolta is born on the 49th day of the year

Olivia Newton-John is dead at age 73, Monday, August 8, 2022.
Ritual Sacrifice = 73
Sacrifice = 73
*Australian = 73 (First word CNN uses to describe her)
Keep in mind there are 73 books in Catholic Bibles.
And there are 145 more chapters in the Catholic Old Testament than Protestant Old Testament.

Today is 8/8.

She is in her 74th year of life at the time of her passing.
Jewish = 74 / 88
Poison = 88 / 74
8/8 is date pertaining to poison…
Arsenic Poisoning = 88
Poison = 88
She is also dead on her husband’s 121st day of his age.
Blood Sacrifice = 121

And she is dead on a date with 38 numerology (the death number).
8/8/22 = 8+8+22 = 38
Olivia Newton-John = 80
80 is 8+0 = 8
She is dead on her 317th day of her age (66th prime).
Woman = 66

166 seconds (film released on 16/6, (16th of June)
This comes 44-years after the release of Grease on June 19, 1978.
Kill = 44
Execution = 44
Cancer = 44
Chemo = 44
-Cancer is also the 4th astrological sign

201 is 311 in base-8 counting
Dame Olivia Newton-John = 311
And notice they have a new Grease series on the way.
Sadly, it will be synced.
In this case she is dead a span of 53-days after the June 16, 2022 release anniversary.
Travolta = 53 (Grease = 35)
It is also a span of 54-days. And that goes with it being 171-days after Travolta’s birthday, the 18th triangular number.
Sun = 54 / 18
Jesuit Order = 54
IHS = 18 / 18 / 45
Sandy = 18 (Her name in Grease)
-She died 45-weeks after her birthday
–Xemu = 18 / 18 / 45 (God of Scientology)
You could also say it a span of 172-days from his February 18, 2022 birthday.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172
Recall the death of Kelly Preston on July 12, the day leaving 172 days in the year.
Kelly Preston = 172
Sandra Dee = 172 (She died 2/20 and Olivia, who played Sandra Dee, died on 220th day)

And in light of how much 172 shows up around death, notice its connection to 83.
AMDG = 83
Murder = 83

Read about Murder by Numbers and 83.
And FYI, his 18/2 birthday goes with L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology.

Sandy = 72
Also, notice below that from the June 16 release to the death is a span of 54-days.

Again, she is dead in the time of Leo, the sun.
Sun = 19+21+14 = 54
-Planet = 226
-Church of Scientology = 226
-Olivia Newton-John =226

From 1971 to 2022 is 51-years later, going with the 51st Academy Awards.
Rome = 51
And adding to the rich, her film Xanadu released on this date in 1980, 42-years ago.

She is a Greek Muse. Greece? Grease?
The film runs 96 minutes.
Divisors of 42 sum to 96
Freemason = 42 / 96
Knowledge = 42 / 96
–Jesuit = 42
She is dead on a date with 58 numerology.
8/8/2022 = 8+8+20+22 = 58
Muse = 58

And last night, on The Masked Singer, there was a performance by Mirrorball of Xanadu.
Masked Singer = 53 / 73
-Dead at 73
-Dead 53-days after Grease anniversary
The Masked Singer = 68 / 247
-Travolta is 68 (Helios)
-Taylor Swift sang Mirror Ball on 24/7 album
-The sun is 24/7

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard = 127 (Full name of L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology Founder)
This comes 127 days before Taylor Swift’s birthday.
-127, 31st prime
-31, 68th prime
-Mirror Ball is the 6th song on her 8th album

June 13, 201…
July 20, 201…
Randal Kleisier, 129 (201 in base-8)
Olive Newton-John’s song Don’t Stop Believin also equates to 201.
-It came out in August of ’76 (46 years ago)

Summer Nights… Heliocentrism… 201…
Helios… 68… John Travolta is 68…
The Church of Scientology is 68 right now.
Church of Scientology = 226
Olivia Newton-John = 226

The current leader has the same birthday as the Church of Satan.

10/7 birthday (107, 28th prime)
Grease = 107 / 28
Travolta = 107 / 28
Jim Jacobs = 28
Also, today on 8/8, a Grease actor is in trouble in Maryland.
Maryland = 88
-Mary is the moon
-Monday (named after moon)

Today is 210-days before his birthtday.
Edward Deezen = 210

Him being born on the 65th day of the year, and being 65 goes with the Scientology theme.
L. Ron Hubbard = 65
ALSO, she died 911 days after Sandra Dee, who died February 20, 2005.

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311 full name is 64th prime= kill
Xanadu =34 / murder
I just want to know if she put up a fight….
Sir Isaac Newton went to Trinity College in Cambridge. Olivia Newton-John born in Cambridge
I was telling Zenith last night how Pluto came into perfect opposition with Venus around midnight. I also mentioned how ONJ shares a birthday with Serena. 26/9 the 57th prime. Born 33 years after ONJ I believe. Serena beat No. 57 before announcing her retirement. Of course her sister is Venus. Yesterday was her first win in 430 days. Pluto = 430 Latin.
In ONJ’s chart you can see that around the time of her death the Sun was transiting her natal Pluto at 16° Leo.
Also, Anthony Rizzo turned 33 yesterday. Rizzo another major character from Grease.
Greased Lightning. Luke 10:18
Trump turned 1018 lunar orbits old yesterday. FBI struck his estate
Sacrifice=46 (as well as 73) and she died a span of 46 days before the first day of Autumn:
Re. the 247:
Two Hundred and One=247
(ie Jesuits founded at “Montmartre, Paris, France”=247)