Phoenix area priest resigns due to incorrect baptism procedure, Valentine’s Day news 2022
What a story for Valentine’s Day, a very Catholic day.
Catholic = 46
Baptism = 46
In this case the priest was ‘Andres Arango.’
Andres Arango = 54 / 72 / 117
Jesuit Order = 54 / 72
Baptise = 72 / 117
And as you read, perhaps he was saying “we” because he was speaking for the Jesuit fraternity.
And as for the man telling the story, Bishop Thomas Olmsted…
Bishop Thomas Olmsted = 80
Baptism = 80
-Diocese of Phoenix = 172 / 91 / 71
-Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172
-The Society of Jesus = 91 / 71
And notice he resigned February 1, the 32nd day of the year.
-32 sun rays on the Jesuit logo
-February = 42
-Jesuit = 42