Police reports of active shooter in Austin, Texas perfectly coordinated with D.C. born Mayor and federal agenda, September 30, 2022

This news comes 191 days after the Mayor’s birthday, or on his 192nd day of his age, and you can recall 192 was big with Uvalde, Texas, whereas 191 is constantly present. *Active Shooter = 191 *Assault Weapons = 192
Today also has 61 date numerology.
9/30/22 = 9+30+22 = 61
Active Shooter = 61

You have to love he is from Washington D.C., Jesuit town.
Society of Jesus = 191 / 56
-Born in ’56
–Austin = 21 / 42 / 78 / 84
–Jesuit = 21 / 42 / 78 / 84
—Austin, Texas = 72 / 144 / 153
—Jesuit Order = 72 / 144 / 153
He is also 66 right now.
Mass shooting = 66

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Don’t overlook the fact this hospital is located near St. Francis Avenue, it reminds of the St. Francis shooting on June 1, 2022, or 6/1, like 61, located at 6161 Yale, and now this shooting comes on date with 61-numerology. Active Shooter = 61
It also comes 78-days before Pope Francis’ birthday, or a span of 79-days.
Jesuit = 78; Order out of Chaos = 78
-Society of Jesus = 56 / 79 / 191 / 187; *Seton Hospital = 56 (name of hospital); Daly City, California = 187
*Stephen Ira Adler = 74. Active Shooter = 74
It also might remind how the Saint Francis Hospital shooting was 233rd mass shooting, and now in this case, the mayor of Austin is born March 23rd or 23/3, like 233.
Saint Francis Hospital = 233, *233, the 51st prime number
*Rome = 51, Mass Shooting = 51, Conspiracy = 51
For more, it is interesting this shooting comes on date with 81-numerology, and ‘Hospital Shooting’ equates to 81.
And lastly, it also comes a span of 122-days after the St. Hospital shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 1, 2022. Iesus Hominum Salvator = 122; *Pope Francis = 122
How could I forget the ‘Skull and Bones’ piece? Notice this shooting comes 322-days after the Superior General of the Jesuits birthday, which also means this shooting also came on Greg Abbott’s 322nd day of his age.