Pope Francis offers condolences to Cardinal Grocholewski, July 17, 2020

Catholic Church Jesuit Murder by Numbers News

Grocholewski = 145 *Catholic = 145

This news comes on the date right for killing, July 17, 2020.

7/17/20 = 7+17+20 = 44

7/17/2020 = 7+17+(2+0+2+0) = 28

7/17/2020 = 7+17+20+20 = 64

Notice, Grocholewski sums to 64.

He is dead on his 281st day of his age.

281, 60th prime *Order = 60

This news comes 213 days after Pope Francis’ 83rd birthday.

He was Polish.

Murder = 79; Yeshua = 79


Today is July 17, or 17/7.

The Jesuit Order = 177 / 201

The Bavarian Illuminati was founded by the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, who renamed it the ‘Order of Illuminati’.

Bavarian Illuminati = 80 (Dead at 80)

Order of Illuminati = 201 (Pope Francis is Mr. 201)

The man is dead 86 days before his 81st birthday.

Blood Sacrifice = 86 *Human Sacrifice= 86

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