Prince Harry & Meghan Markle welcome baby girl, June 6, 2021 news

Celebrity News Royal Family

Notice this news comes June 6, or 6/6. The last time Meghan Markle and Harry were in the news was March 7, 2021, the 66th day of the year. That story was about the racism in the Royal Family.
Number of the Beast = 66
6x6x6 = 216
Meghan Markle = 216 (Born August 4, 216th day of the year)
Harry, Prince of Wales = 216
Relatives = 666 (It was reported the two are cousins, Meghan and Harry)

And notice where the name of the new daughter, Lilibet “Lili” Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, fits in.

Baby Lili = 54 / 72 / 144 *Jesuit Order = 54 / 72 / 144

Archie Harrison was born May 6, 2019
-Royal Family = 56

In this case the second baby was born on Prince Harry’s 263rd day of his age, the 56th prime.

Keep in mind he is 36, and 666 is the 36th triangular number.

The second child was born 760 days after the first, or a span of 761 (135th prime).

Also interesting, today’s news is 46-days after Queen Elizabeth’s birthday on April 21, and the child was born on April 6, or 4/6, like 46.
Girl = 46


  1. Hickok458 on June 6, 2021 at 11:02 am

    Meghan Markle was born on the 216th day of the year, the movie Rosemary’s Baby released back in ’68 on 6/12 and of course 6/12 is 6 days after 6/6 when they made the announcement. Will their next child be named Damien?
    6/6/2021 is 8 weeks 4 days before 8/4/2021.
    6/6/2021 has 53 date numerology. 6+6+20+21=53.
    Lilibet Diana=53. 8/4/2021 has 53 date numerology. 8+4+20+21=53.
    8/4/2021 is 53 years 53 days after Rosemary’s Baby released on 6/12/1958.

  2. mjhound on June 6, 2021 at 12:38 pm

    I think you meant to type June 4th when the baby was born right before it says GIRL =46 like 4th of 6th month like 46

  3. AnthonyCDavison on June 6, 2021 at 6:39 pm

    Born 56 days after the death of Philip and 263 days after Harry’s birthday. (last tweet on thread)

    Born on the 155th day of the year in California 88 days from Diana’s death anniversary:

    62 days from Meghan’s birthday and 6 weeks 2 days from the Queen’s birthday
    (Queen coronated in 1953 – 1953 is the 62ns triangular number)

    • AnthonyCDavison on June 7, 2021 at 5:24 am

      Meghan and Harry announced her pregnancy on Valentine’s Day 214 days from Harry’s birthday.
      Valentine’s Day written 2/14 or 14/2
      Royal Baby=142

      Baby born 15 weeks 5 days later on the 155th day of the year
      The baby was also born a span of 3 months 22 days after the announcement and 322 days from Elizabeth’s birthday

      • AnthonyCDavison on June 7, 2021 at 6:34 am

        I made a post about this on Free To Find Truth and I’ve just had a reply from a decoder called Earthling94:

        **He noticed that “Lilibet” and “Race War” are an exact match in all 4 base ciphers**

        • AnthonyCDavison on June 8, 2021 at 5:43 pm

          The 600 Earthquakes in California felt 600 miles away were a “Royal Rumble” for the Royal Baby which had been born in California just 24 hours earlier and announced on 6/6 the next day.
          Next Year’s Super Bowl is IN California.

          They were also synched up with the WWE Royal Rumble:
          Calipatria=45 (the location of the largest quake)
          4 months 5 days after the Royal Rumble

          Royal Baby=142/52
          Royal Rumble=142/52/65
          Quakes on 6/5

          Full decode here (also shared to F2FT)

          Quakes 35 miles from Mexico
          Royal Baby weighed 3.5k
          Next Royal Rumble is the 35th

  4. CJ Cheifer on June 6, 2021 at 9:50 pm

    Also, when Kate had one of her babies, I think the first one, she wore the same red dress with the white lace collar like Rosemary’s baby actress Mia Farrow. Roman Polanski directed that movie. Polanski escaped in 1977 when he had sex with a minor. His birthday is Aug 18, 1933 in Reverse Ordinal and LCH Kabbalah, Rosemary’s Baby is 188. If you add up Lilibet’s full name with characters and spaces, it’s 33, and adding that as 1+2+3+4… up to 33 =561, which is 12, just like 6+6. Polanski married Sharon Tate, who was stabbed to death at age 26 (her and her unborn child), by the Charles Manson clan. Mia Farrow adopted a child while married to Woody Allen, and Allen ended up having sex with his adopted daughter. Frank Sinatra who was married to Mia Farrow previously threatened to kill him. Allen ends up marrying Mia’s adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn after the break-up. Soon-Yi Previn’s name has 181 for English Extended, which is the same as Floyd Mayweather. I’m assuming he won today then against Logan Paul?

    It sounds like some sort of honor and glory is going to the pedophiles on this one. Do I feel sorry for Harry and/or Meghan? Naaa… they know what’s up. They know they’re gonna be the King and Queen of America soon.

  5. Sanctus on June 12, 2021 at 9:40 am

    “Lili Mountbatten” = 187 (O), 218 (RO), and 1981 (Reverse Triagonal). 1981 is Markles birth year.

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