Robert Aaron Long arrested is Crisp County for spa murders of March 16, 2021

Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Police State
Robert Aaron Long = 76 / 86 / 175 / 230
Robert Long = 54 / 54 / 126 / 144 *Jesuit Order = 54 / 144

Robert Aaron Long was arrested in ‘Crisp County’, equating to 163, on March 16, or 16/3.

163, 38th prime *Murder = 38 *Death = 38 *Killing = 38 *RIP = 38
Three spas, 8 dead…

Read more about the ritual of the shooting on March 16, 2021 here.

And don’t overlook, the C.C. C.C. is 3.3.

ATL = 1+20+12 = 33 (On the 33rd parallel north). *Police = 33 *Masonry = 33 *Secrecy = 33


  1. k1 on March 17, 2021 at 4:20 pm

    Rob Long = 83 / 38 / 34
    (his known name to friends and family)

  2. Aaravos on March 17, 2021 at 4:46 pm

    Aaron Long
    Hank Aaron
    Long Ball

  3. Aaravos on March 17, 2021 at 4:47 pm

    Maybe nothing but
    Crisp County = 1035 Jewish
    Venus = 1035 Jewish

  4. Aaravos on March 17, 2021 at 5:00 pm

    Nancy Pelosi turns 81 on the day of the upcoming superior conjunction of Venus. Venus = 81 ordinal

    Joe Biden turns 49 venus synodic cycles old on the day of the Spring Equinox.

    Interesting that Joe and Nancy are both natives to the signs ruled by Mars: Scorpio and Aries. They were born 969 days apart. Sleepy Joe is in his 969th lunar month and he turns 969 lunar months old on April 5th. I say sleepy to emphasize the lunar connection. April 5th can be written 5/4. Venus = 54 reverse

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