Samuel Paty, the teacher reportedly beheaded in France, October 16, 2020

Je Suis Prof? …Jesuits?
-The translation is “I’m a teacher.”
Read about the Jesuit rituals in the reported October 16, 2020 beheading:
The name Samuel Paty fits in as well.

Abrahamic = 56 (The Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity & Islam)
Three = 56 (Three religions)
ISIS = 56 (Terrorism as an agenda to divide the world)

This protest comes on the day leaving 74 days in the year, Sunday, October 18, 2020. Of course, 74 and 33 are often brought together in rituals, and ‘teacher’ equates to 33 in gematria. Furthermore, 33 is the master teacher number.

France = 47 *Vatican = 47 *Francis = 47
Abdoullakh Abouyezidovitc = 102 *Art of War = 102 *World War = 102
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That is incredible.
‘Jesuits profit’ ??
They CANT get any more blatant than that. Mockery at its finest.
What a slap in the face.
It’s more likely a mock branding on the woman.
She thinks she is a teacher, but in actuality is a ‘ Jesuit Prof. ‘ A Jesuit teacher, pushing Jesuit propaganda onto the next generation