Secrets of Playboy releases January 24, 2022, 225-weeks after Hugh Hefner’s death (the Catholic-Jesuit sexual abuse joke)

Catholic Church Celebrity History Jesuit Jewish Related Murder by Numbers New World Order News Terrorism
24/1, 241 (53rd prime) — Today’s date, 24/1
*53 associated with the feminine *Playboy Bunny = 53
*First playboy issue in 1953

This is debuting on A&E, today, January 24, 2022.

Recall, Hugh Hefner died on his 172nd day of his age.
Playboy Magazine = 172
Playboy Bunny = 172
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172

Roman Catholic Church = 94 (born 9/4)
*The Society of Jesus = 91 (dead at 91)
*Hugh Marston Hefner = 79 *Society of Jesus = 79
*Secrets of Playboy = 71 *Catholic = 71

And remember the pornography connection with ‘Jesuit Order.’

Today, January 24, is 54-days after after the anniversary of the first Playboy issue was released, December 1, 1953.

It is 225-weeks and 5-days after his death.
225, very Catholic Number

Recall the sexual abuse mockery with George Floyd, and the number 225.

As for the 1580 days, that is a lot like 158, and the Jesuits were born on 15/8, August 15.

Notice the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting, in Vegas, where Hefner has a street named after him, was the day leaving 91 days left in the year, days after he died at 91.
The Society of Jesus = 91

Notice it was also the 274th day of the year.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274

Roman began celebrating Sol Invictus, the birthday of the sun, in 274 AD, on Christmas…

And the surface gravity of the sun has a nice big fat 274 in it.

Recall, the shooting was at the Jason Aldean concert, right after Yom Kippur.

Ignatius of Loyola = 201
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Jason Aldean = 201
The Las Vegas Strip = 201
Heliocentrism = 201
-Heliocentrism = 150 (sun is 150m k/m away
Saturn Worship = 201
-Yom Kippur associated with Saturn
Saturn = 93
-Sep. 29 left 93 days left in the year
Order of Illuminati = 93 / 201
-Adam Weishaupt died 201-days after the anniversary of its establishment
State of Israel = 201
-David Ben Gurion died 201-days after the anniversary of its establishment


  1. 216144 on January 24, 2022 at 12:49 pm

    Playboy = 341 (Satanic), 191 (Franc Baconis). There are 341 days remaining in the year 1/24

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