St. Louis rapper Huey killed in front of his home, June 25, 2020 | Black Lives Matter relation?
Something tells me, that with these spell casting psychopaths, Huey’s death is a ritual connected to the Black Lives Matter movement, that came to power in the St. Louis area, after the killing of Michael Brown.

Read about Alpha Phi Alpha, George Floyd, BLM and 173:
Read about Washington D.C., BLM and June 5, or 5/6:
St. Louis has the 74 connection, connecting to ‘rapper’ as well as ‘I can’t breathe’.

We’re going to connect the Society of Jesus.

This young man was killed June 25, 2020, a date with 17, 35 and 71 numerology.
6/25/2020 = 6+25+(2+0+2+0)=35 *Rap = 35
*Svengali = 35 *Satan = 35 *Baphomet = 35

Read about Shaun King’s Catholic / Jesuit related ritual on June 23, 2020:
Read about Church of England’s involvement:
As for his song, ‘Pop, Lock & Drop It’…
6/25/2020 = 6+25+20+20 = 71 (20th prime) *Death = 20 (in 2020…)
6/25/2020 = 6+2+5+2+0+2+0 = 17 *Huey = 59, 17th prime
*Kill = 17
*71, 20th prime; Death = 20

Kill = 64
181, 42nd prime *Jesuit = 42
He was killed on his 177th day of his age.
The Jesuit Order = 177 / 84; Lawrence Franks = 84

He died on George Orwell’s birthday, the author of 1984.
Rapper = 74
St. Louis = 47 / 74 / 115
Killing = 74 / 115; Masonic = 74 / 115
If you spell out the name of his song with ‘and’ instead of using ‘&’ it is noteworthy.
He has died while the U.S. is 243 years old.
The 8100 block also goes with his song’s name. Ritual = 81 / 81
Lawrence = 81
The news of June 26, is the 238th day of Nelly’s age, the most famous rapper from St. Louis.

This reader does a great job connecting the Jesuits and Martin Luther King Jr. to the killing of Huey.