Taiwan’s March 3, 2022 blackout, 1661-days after the August 15, 2017 blackout (and keep an eye on March 7, 2022)
They reported 68% internet connections were impacted by this outage in Taipei.
Taiwan = 68
Mathematics = 68
Catholicism = 68
-Art of War & 68
–Art of War = 102
–Taipei = 102
And notice how Taipei fits in with ‘power outage.’
Taipei, Taiwan = 56
Power Outage = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
-Taiwan’s President born in ’56
Notice how Taiwan Power Co. overlaps with ‘cyberattack.’
Both equate to 188 / 71
-Bavarian Illuminati = 188
-The Jesuit Order = 71
-Catholic = 71
-Zeus = 71
This happened on a Thursday, named after Zeus, the lightning god (electricity).
Thursday = 35 / 46
Catholic = 35 / 46
This came on President Tsai Ing-Wen’s 185th day of her age.
Mathematics = 185
Catholicism = 185
March 6 will be her 188th day of her age, and March 7 will be 188-days after her birthday.
Taiwan Power Co. = 188
Cyber Attack = 188
March 7 has 52 date numerology.
3/7/2022 = 3+7+20+22 = 52
Power Outage = 52
Notice the last major blackout was August 15, 2017, the Jesuit Order’s birthday.
And it began at 52 minutes after the hour.
Power Outage = 52
And notice power was restored at 9:40 PM.
Taiwan = 94
Roman Catholic Church = 94
From August 15, 2017 to March 3, 2022 was 1661-days later…
Jesuit Society = 1661
*Jesuit Society is proper terminology for the order
Notice it is 54-months and 16-days.
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
-S.J. = 16
-Jesuits, since the 16th Century
They started to bring power back about 6 hours after the outage happened.