The 201 clearly shown in the Ma’Khia Bryant killing video, April 20, 2021

In the thumbnail, the video is 12:29 in length, a bit like 1229, the 201st prime.
And in the video, the computer is shown, number 201.

And again, notice how Ma’Khia Bryant equates to 201.

Read more about her reported killing here.
Of course 201 has been all over the racially charged shootings, from Michael Brown to George Floyd.
Watch the video of the officer with computer 201 here.
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“Police Body Cam” = 201 (Francis Bacon)
“Body Footage Shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant” = 119 (Septenary)(George Floyd)
“Ma’Khia Bryant Killing Video” = 263 (LCH Kabbalah) – 56th prime
“Ma’Khia Bryant Killing Video” = 144 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Body Cam Footage of Ma’Khia Bryant Being Fatally Shot” = 191 (Full Reduction)
“Body Cam” = 126 (Reverse Ordinal) – Kobe BRYANT’s death on 1/26
“Body Cam Footage of Ma’Khia Bryant Being Fatally Shot” = 157 (Chaldean)
“Kobe Bryant” = 157 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Body Cam” = 27 (Full Reduction)
“Knife” = 27 (Full Reduction)
“Knife” = 27 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Columbus” = 106 (English Ordinal)(Black Lives Matter)(Black)
This was 109-days after the beginning of the year. “Shooting” = 109 (Reverse Ordinal)
Also the 110th day.
“Fan The Flames” = 110 (English Ordinal)
“Columbus” = 110 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Minnesota” = 110 (English Ordinal)