The Binary in Ritual (Part 3)
53 35

This is a follow up to my previous two posts about the binary and non-binary. The term binary applies to separate polar-opposites. Non-binary is the amalgamation of opposites.
One of the most ominous of non-binaries is the human-machine unification. The esoteric and metaphorical non-binary is harmony between the feminine vibration of empathy care and love, and the masculine of will, ambition and action.

Spirit is considered masculine, flesh is considered feminine (matter = MATER; Latin for “mother”). All humans are spirit-flesh non-binary.
But A.I. computer programs and machines are neither male nor female. So rituals are performed to celebrate this abominable anti-spirit, anti-human, anti-Earth non-binary; exemplified by the technological phenomenon of SINGULARITY. No symbol expresses this dystopian agenda more than New York City’s One World Trade Center with its design containing the male triangle and the female triangle, formerly the binary Twin Towers.

Celebrity transgenderism and gender-neutrality is an example of this ritual. Not to say that some people are genuinely more comfortable as gender-neutral or the opposite sex, but high-profile personalities appear to be coerced (often using MK Ultra-style trauma-based mind-control techniques) into these rolls to promote a broad psychological operation.

I established – in Part 1 and Part 2 – that the key gematria numbers are 53 and 35.
Another esoteric binary symbol is the black-and-white checker pattern.

No other corporation has embraced transgender/gender-neutrality more than Target; a company with monopolistic authority as it stayed open nation-wide while most businesses were forced to close and even went out of business. Target knows the gematria code: in this ad Target offers free shipping on purchases of gender-neutral toys of $35 and up.


In 2018 Angela Ponce became the first transgendered contestant in a Miss Universe pageant.
Again: by the code: the last name “PONCE” sums to 53.

In order to qualify to compete in Miss Universe one has to have won the Miss Universe title for their individual country. Angela Ponce was crowned Miss Spain on June 29th, 2018; a date with 53 numerology. 6 + 29 + 18 = 53.Ángela_Ponce

I have asserted that most if not all high-profile celebrity transgenders are coerced into those roles with MK Ultra style mind control. The above picture of Angela Ponce can only be described as a hypnotic state; dissociated (“melted” in MK Utra jargon) state pending the triggering of a personality.
Synchronicity With the 911 Ritual
Binary — non-binary is a central theme of the September 11th WTC attacks. “MISS SPAIN” sums to 119. 110 is one of the biggest numbers related to the 911 ritual (the towers were each 110 stories high, Flight 77 supposedly flew over Virginia Highway 110 – which runs by Arlington National Cemetery – to hit the Pentagon. “ARLINGTON” sums to 110, “Osama Bin Laden” sums to 110. The memorial that indicates where each tower stood is called a “FOOTPRINT” which sums to 110. Angela Ponce won “Miss Universe Spain” which sums to 110.

December 17th
Ponce’s historical Miss Universe appearance was held on December 17th, 2018. December 17th happens to be the birthday of Pope Francis. December 17th is also the birthday of another world famous transgender U.S. Army whistle blower Chelsea Manning formerly Bradley Manning.

The name “CHELSEA” was chosen to fit the code; it sums to 53.

December 17th is the birthday of the first openly Jesuit Pope Francis Bergoglio. The Jesuit Order was founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola.
With this in mind consider the significance of this t-shirt worn by Arielle Keil who will compete in this year’s Miss New Zealand beauty pageant as its first post-operative transgendered contestant. the shirt reads “LOYOLA.”

The shirt is for a brand “Loyola Company.” LOYOLA is a New Zealand clothing brand marketed to the LGBT community. Their website:
“Arielle” sums to 35 in gematria. the name “Keil” is more popularly spelled “KYLE” which has gematria of 53; perhaps a deeper occulted 53.

I have cited the parallels with 911 non-binary ritual. The name “Thomas” means “twin” which is a reference to the Twin Towers. In the movie Matrix, the hero Neo’s passport expires on September 11th, 2001. His name in the movie is Thomas A Anderson which has amazing synchronicity in gematria with “Loyola Company.”

Neo’s nickname is “The One” which plays on the WTC Freedom Tower “oneness” theme.

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What are your thoughts/do you make of the inauguration date of the US President being 1/20/2021? It can written backwards and forwards. Coincidence? 🤔 Unless there’s a rule it has to be written as 01/20/2020.
Thank you so much
For everything
You have made a tremendous impact in my life
He who knows not,
and knows that he knows not,
is a student; Teach him.
He who knows,
and knows not that he knows,
is asleep; Wake him.
He who knows,
and knows that he knows,
is Wise; Follow him.
(He who knows not,
and knows not that he knows not,
is a fool; shun him.)
… a bit harsh but then again ancient Arabia wasn’t exactly a participation ribbon time period.
Thank You for your appreciation. It gives me a sense of fulfillment. Numbers and words that read the same backwards and forwards are called palindromic numbers. Palindromic numbers are considered to have increased vibrational power, and palindromic dates are significant for rituals. The fact that a palindromic date aligns with an event as big as a U.S. presidential election is super significant. A lot else is lining up astronomically and astrologically. It is definitely a unique time in human history. It is also super significant that you – and very body else alive today – incarnated at this moment in history.
Hi Rambo. Interesting stuff as usual. I like running stuff by you, but I don’t need you to make my posts public. You have my permission to take down or delete anything, even what I already have posted to you. I end up repeating because my info gets added to. I have posted about the Greek “The Magdalene” = 135 in Greek Isopsephy. The number a well known part of the vesica piscis ratio. Vesica piscis is 53, like womb 53, like “the matrix” = 53. The point where spirit becomes part of the perceptible world. In Philo of Alexandria she was Wisdom from Proverbs as creatrix in the Bible , from a connection to the Father. If you read the Hebrew of Proverbs 30 it sounds like a hieros gamos. There is a word that is difficult to decipher, but it is something like smeared if I recall correctly.
( I must, because the word was used on the news just now. Smearing Amy Coney Barrett. ) Gamos is wedding and in the Greek Isopsephy it = 314, or Pi.
You can put your triangles together like the ‘star of David’ and get 119. The male and female symbols fused. I think the symbols are from the hermetic, or cabalistic, saying “as above so below”. That = 156 the number of the prime 911. Mary Magdalene = 119.
The Gospel of Thomas (the twin) has a saying about Mary M. I may have mentioned it, but not quoted it.::
“(114) Simon Peter said to him, “Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life.”
Jesus said, “I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.””
I think that is a gnostic idea that fits the gender morph idea you have here. Her name, or title, directly from the Greek text is Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ and = 305, or 35 in Greek Isopsephy. It means Mary the Tower = 171 (1019 as the prime, or 119), and 153. The Tower was the Holy of Holies in the temple, according to Josephus. That is where the Shekinah, or female presence came to the High Priest to make him the Logos/ Word. That is basically from the Jew Philo Alexander of Alexandria. I’d have to get my copy to give you exact quotes if you want.
Also, before Cybele came to Rome there was a hermaphroditic goddess. It was written by Macrobius in Saturnalia discussions. “Saturnalia is a work written after c. 431 AD by the Roman provincial Macrobius Theodosius. ”
“Moreover, there is in Cyprus a bearded statue of the goddess with female clothing but with male attributes, so that it would seem that the deity is both male and female. Aristophanes also calls her “Aphroditus”; and in Laevinus the descriptive adjective is in the masculine gender, when he says: “Therefore worshipping Venus the giver of life (almum), whether the deity is female or male–even as is the life-giving deity that shines by night.” Philochorus, too, in his Atthis says that Venus is the moon and that men offer sacrifice to the moon dressed as women, and women dressed as men, because the moon is thought to be both male and female”
I was looking at Mary of Bethany = 153 ordinal. I had read the name may have been from Beth Anu. So, looking up Anu on Wiki, I found a Hittite myth that Anu’s son bit off his genitals. It was suggested that the story lead to Ouranus’ castration from one of Gaia’s children. SO, I went to Uranus on Wikipedia.
From Wiki “Uranus imprisoned Gaia’s youngest children in Tartarus, deep within Earth, where they caused pain to Gaia. She shaped a great flint-bladed sickle and asked her sons to castrate Uranus. Only Cronus, youngest and most ambitious of the Titans, was willing: he ambushed his father and castrated him, casting the severed testicles into the sea.” … “From the genitals in the sea came forth Aphrodite.”.
Sorry, it is choppy. It seems that there has always been an excuse for effeminate men, and masculine women, and religious orders for them. I believe the Greek word used for them in the NT is “κίναιδος” in the Greek Isopsephy it transliterates to “kinaidos” and equals 365. I’m sure you wont be surprised to find kinaidos = 53 in reverse reduced in our ciphers. Even the Latin effeminātus = 53 in the same reverse reduced cipher.
Isn’t that a pretty weird coincidence, numerically?
Oh, and on Amy Coney Barrett, I almost posted to you the other day. Zach on Donald John Trump and Amy Coney Barrett’s say numbers the same; 68,185,220. I looked at Sir Francis Bacon’s ciphers because of the y’s and J Jewish won’t work. Donald John Trump = 174, 66, 201, 66. Amy Coney Barrett = 174, 57, 201, and 66. 66 and 174 = number of the beast, in our reduced and ordinal . I was going to show the 67 is in Bacon’s reverse cipher for Coney. 67 is the Jewish and Bacon’s short cipher for number of the beast.
I have to display your comments so you can receive my reply I think. Actually the best place to communicate is on the F2FT platform. Register here:
Amazing information and finds with the 53s. The Sacred Feminine numbers manifest in transgender/gender neutral/androgyny narratives. There were a lot of 71’s that I could have included. 67 is a major female code number as you’ve noticed.
In Vedic astrology all planets are androgynous. But in Western astrology they are either male or female with the exception of Mercury that is androgynous. I didn’t include this in the decode (it is long enough as it is) but Mercury is heavily coded into the transgender/androgyny narratives. That is a future decode. I could write a book on Mercury.
Exibit A: bisexual Freddy Mercury who was named so because he is a Virgo, a sign ruled by the planet Mercury whose most famous outfit was the black-and-white checkered motley one-piece.
I’ll look forward to that decode for sure. I’ve read Uranus ruling Aquarius causes gender identity dealing. I guess the castration was an influence? . Does the number 41 have a strong influence with Mercury? I am not up to speed on Astrology, so I need to check it out. I do know Sir Francis Bacon’s muse was Pallas Athena. One astrology site said the asteroid Pallas in a persons chart affects gender identity. Pallas is androgynous. Pallas Athena was known for her helmet and spear. The link is with Francis Bacon and his alter name Shakespeare, or shake spear.. If you think of it, in that time period, the female roles were played by men. Pallas Athena in his ciphers = 41 and 104. Athena = 103 in his reverse cipher, and Mercury has 41 and 103. Hermes has a 41 in single reduction. I see there is a 53 in Freddy. In the gematrinator’s “Francis Bacon” cipher (not to be confused with the REAL Sir Francis Bacon’s ciphers) it has 88. I did see it is aprox 88 days for Mercury to orbit the sun. Queen has 88 in the same cipher. Farrokh 41 and 40. Wow!
I did sign up for the F2FT platform in the past. I just totally forgot it was there, so havn’t used it much afterward.
It seems that you don’t need my Mercury-Androgyny decode: you are decoding it yourself, including things that I would not have come up with like the Pallas comet. Brilliant stuff as usual!
Mercury and Hermes are ancient Egypt’s Thoth or DJEHUTI. Look how Freddy Mercury’s real name FARROKH lines up with DJEHUTI: PERFECT MATCH across three base ciphers including 40, and 103 in the “Francis Bacon” cipher. “MERCURY” numbers.
Think of the Hermetic principles: HERME-tic principles. Principle of GENDER, Principle of POLARITY, Principle of Correspondence: As ABOVE So BELOW, Principle of RHYTHM. Hermes/Mercury is depicted as both a young athletic man and an old wise man. The planet Mercury – although close to the Sun – is also very cold: minus 590 degrees, and heats up to 800 degrees. HOT and COLD. What is a thermometer made out of? Mercury. Mercury is fast around the Sun: 88 day year, and slow on its own axis 58.6 days for one rotation: Fast and slow. Mercury is visible at dawn and dusk: between night and day. I could do a whole chapter on Donald Trump-as-Mercury. He is Gemini: Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. Trump is a considered not just a Republican but an extreme right-wing conservative, yet he is a life-long Democrat who is one the Clinton Foundation’s top donors. That’s Mercury. YIN-YANG = 41. At the 2016 Republican National Convention Donald trump came out to Queen’s/Freddy Mercury’s “We Are the Champions.”
HERMES = 31, 32. HOT-COLD = 31, 32. MAN-WOMAN = 31, 41 (and 94 like “HERMES”). Blue-Red = 31, 41. Young-old = 31, 41.
I did some in depth Mercury decodes on a different aspect of Mercury. Kobe Bryant – a Virgo – died at age 41. And I just looked at a mercury=Jesus post I did in July which I was going to send you but noticed you commented to it. I missed that.
This post details the main elements of a mercury ritual:
I did a 6 part series starting with Kibe Bryant. This is Part 1:
I just noticed in my time zone I posted at 4:01
Wow, thank you so much!! Great info! My head is exploding. I wish I found your stuff a long time ago. If I commented on an earlier Mercury decode, it was before I understood Mercury like I am learning from you now.
I noticed that Male Female is 53, and then it is 37 and 73 like FARROKH in the Jewish/bacon ciphers. I was looking to see if it was like man women. Also, odd even = 808 or 88 in Jewish, 414 in sumarian, and 314 in Satanic. Not sure if that would count Like 41 from both directions, and 31 and 41 in Pi. Not that I use those ciphers much.
I was looking at that link to the post that had to be translated as well. The Kobe one took me over the edge.
I crashed my computer yesterday after a long post. I had to re-create my Sir Francis Bacon ciphers. I didn’t have the computer backed up, and lost bookmarks too. So I am frustrated.
With Gemini, It makes sense that the symbol is twin snakes on the caduceus for Mercury/Hermes.. The original health and medicine symbol was from Greek mythology, the Rod of Asclepius. It was a single snake. You find it on the World Health Organization’s symbol and the American Medical Association etc.. . I had to look at Wikipedia’s Caduceus to see that the medical symbol WAS the Rod of Asclepius until the US Military changed it to the Caduceus in 1902.
Caduceus = 77, and looks like ‘two snakes’ (53 and 116) and DJEHUTI = 77 too. The plural “serpents” = 35, 116. Look at a 7 like a “cobra” that has 77 in Frank Baconis. (though I don’t use that cipher much).
If you look at Sir Francis Bacon’s ciphers, DJEHUTI = 74. (The Jewish is off because of the J). A rule of colel 1 off from FARROKH’s 73. Also, Caduceus = 74 in Bacon’s as you can see looking at Jewish ordinal same as like Djehuti. 74 a Jesus number.
It is a shame Sir Francis Bacon’s real ciphers are not on Gematrinator. The Rosicrucians and Masons had to have used them. They can back up the 4 base ciphers.
I will end up circling around to the Bible again. Thoth’s female equal, or wife, was Sheshat. Look at Bacon’s and Jewish ciphers. 77 and 41. Also spelled Seshet, in single reduction and reverse 40 and 41. It is also spelled Seshat with the rule of colel 36 and 72 become 35 and 71. Also called Sefkhet = 74, 35, 71. Virgo 35, 71,. In Sir Francis Bacon’s Simple cipher Virgo = 67. You say that is a big Mercury ritual number. Remember Mary and moon are the same in Francis Bacon’s cipher. It is off one in the Jewish because of the Y. In the time of the King James Bible, 1611, Mary was 17 and 53 and Moon = 17 and 53. Jesus Christ was/is 144. It doesn’t work in the Jewish because they move the J. Francis was 67 and Bacon was 33. Check the Jewish ordinal. Sir Francis Bacon = 144. Check the Jewish ordinal. Free = 33. He put the Free in Freemasonry because Francis means Free, and in his reverse cipher Free = 67 like Francis. In his reverse cipher Mary = 47. The mirror of 74. Look at Gemini. It is 57 like Moon and Mary. It is also 33 like Bacon. Christ is a title not a name, like The Magdalene. Christ = 41 single, 77 ordinal and 74 bacon and Jewish ordinal.
The Egyptian picture of Seshet, the Sefkhet name, and symbol had to do with 7. She has a seven pointed something on her head. In the Hebrew she would have been Wisdom or Chockmah = 59, and 130 like 103., or Qetesh the semitic goddess in Egypt 74,88, 35, 71. Virgo 35, 71. Shadday and Asherah are both 58 in Jewish ordinal. Shadday is 508 in Jewish, and 88 in the Gematrinator’s Francis Bacon. Her part of blessing in Genesis 49 to Joseph was of the “breasts and womb” 156 the prime 911. In Sir Francis Bacon’s simple cipher it is 68, or 67 with the rule of colel. Her name Shadday or Shaddai is from Shad meaning breast in Hebrew. The other side of her is translated as Almighty in English 41,40 and 35, from shadad meaning to deal with violently. She is fertility 119, or power 77. The power to destroy is 77 in the septenary cipher. Power to destroy = 74, 70, +1 = 71,and 59 septenary.
Wisdom is always related to snakes, Qetesh is depicted with them. Asherah too. The snake and tree in Eden. Asherah is hidden as a tree in the Bible.
The consort of Qetesh is Reshep, in Egypt and he is also in the Hebrew Bible. Reshep is the god of plague and fire, like we have going on now. Reshep = 35, 71, 41. “The Coronavirus” = 71 and 188. Event 201 was August 18. So it was 18/8. The crown, or corona, in the Bible was the “crown of thorns” = 71 and 188. Some numerology you can remove a one if it is the beginning of a number. So maybe 88.
I tried to look up Mercury and Shepherd and all that came up was Nasa’s Alan Shepard and his flight on the Mercury. Had to look at Hermes (41) for Shepherd instead. Shepard 35,71, 41.
Jesus the Shepherd was a real son of Joseph, whose wife in Genesis was the daughter of the High Priest of Heliopolis in Egypt. His prophecy for the future was under Joseph’s in Genesis 49. The Shepherd and stone of Israel. Shepherd stone = 77 in Jewish ordinal and 156 in ordinal, the prime of 911. Shepherd 53. His side kick Magdalene = 35, 88, 59. Mercury’s orbit and spin. Remember Jesus was going to make her male in the Gospel of Thomas (the twin). There is also the saying that Jesus often kissed her on the mouth. The Talmud has her as Jesus’ mother too, and a “hair dresser” = 74 and 119. They changed her name to Megaddela 77 in Jewish. It also means “braided hair” = 74,59, 77. What is funny is that she fits the fairytale Rapunzel. It was mentioned in a book about Mary Magdalene. Magdalene means tower from the Hebrew migdal and Egyptian maktal. Rapunzel was locked in a tower. The story was related to long hair, and the Talmud is about her hair and as hair dresser. Megaddela also means braided hair. Also, she was a Nazarene and they did not cut their hair. Rapunzel had long hair. Rapunzel has Mercury’s numbers. 41,40,103. Nazarene is 42 and with the rule of colel a 41. Jesus was the savior prince to his Rapunzel. Prince and the prince both have 35’s. The thing is it was her long hair that saved her as well.
I will take my time on the Kobe posts. I had not really paid a lot of attention to him and had not seen your posts. I had always tagged Jesus as the Sun and Mary the moon. This Mercury stuff is overwhelm
Wow, thank you so much!! Great info! My head is exploding. I wish I found your stuff a long time ago. If I commented on an earlier Mercury decode, it was before I understood Mercury like I am learning from you now.
I noticed that Male Female is 53, and then it is 37 and 73 like FARROKH in the Jewish/bacon ciphers. I was looking to see if it was like man women. Also, odd even = 808 or 88 in Jewish, 414 in sumarian, and 314 in Satanic. Not sure if that would count Like 41 from both directions, and 31 and 41 in Pi. Not that I use those ciphers much.
I was looking at that link to the post that had to be translated as well. The Kobe one took me over the edge.
I crashed my computer yesterday after a long post. I had to re-create my Sir Francis Bacon ciphers. I didn’t have the computer backed up, and lost bookmarks too. So I am frustrated.
With Gemini, It makes sense that the symbol is twin snakes on the caduceus for Mercury/Hermes.. The original health and medicine symbol was from Greek mythology, the Rod of Asclepius. It was a single snake. You find it on the World Health Organization’s symbol and the American Medical Association etc.. . I had to look at Wikipedia’s Caduceus to see that the medical symbol WAS the Rod of Asclepius until the US Military changed it to the Caduceus in 1902.
Caduceus = 77, and looks like ‘two snakes’ (53 and 116) and DJEHUTI = 77 too. The plural “serpents” = 35, 116. Look at a 7 like a “cobra” that has 77 in Frank Baconis. (though I don’t use that cipher much).
If you look at Sir Francis Bacon’s ciphers, DJEHUTI = 74. (The Jewish is off because of the J). A rule of colel 1 off from FARROKH’s 73. Also, Caduceus = 74 in Bacon’s as you can see looking at Jewish ordinal same as like Djehuti. 74 a Jesus number.
It is a shame Sir Francis Bacon’s real ciphers are not on Gematrinator. The Rosicrucians and Masons had to have used them. They can back up the 4 base ciphers.
I will end up circling around to the Bible again. Thoth’s female equal, or wife, was Sheshat. Look at Bacon’s and Jewish ciphers. 77 and 41. Also spelled Seshet, in single reduction and reverse 40 and 41. It is also spelled Seshat with the rule of colel 36 and 72 become 35 and 71. Also called Sefkhet = 74, 35, 71. Virgo 35, 71,. In Sir Francis Bacon’s Simple cipher Virgo = 67. You say that is a big Mercury ritual number. Remember Mary and moon are the same in Francis Bacon’s cipher. It is off one in the Jewish because of the Y. In the time of the King James Bible, 1611, Mary was 17 and 53 and Moon = 17 and 53. Jesus Christ was/is 144. It doesn’t work in the Jewish because they move the J. Francis was 67 and Bacon was 33. Check the Jewish ordinal. Sir Francis Bacon = 144. Check the Jewish ordinal. Free = 33. He put the Free in Freemasonry because Francis means Free, and in his reverse cipher Free = 67 like Francis. In his reverse cipher Mary = 47. The mirror of 74. Look at Gemini. It is 57 like Moon and Mary. It is also 33 like Bacon. Christ is a title not a name, like The Magdalene. Christ = 41 single, 77 ordinal and 74 bacon and Jewish ordinal.
The Egyptian picture of Seshet, the Sefkhet name, and symbol had to do with 7. She has a seven pointed something on her head. In the Hebrew she would have been Wisdom or Chockmah = 59, and 130 like 103., or Qetesh the semitic goddess in Egypt 74,88, 35, 71. Virgo 35, 71. Shadday and Asherah are both 58 in Jewish ordinal. Shadday is 508 in Jewish, and 88 in the Gematrinator’s Francis Bacon. Her part of blessing in Genesis 49 to Joseph was of the “breasts and womb” 156 the prime 911. In Sir Francis Bacon’s simple cipher it is 68, or 67 with the rule of colel. Her name Shadday or Shaddai is from Shad meaning breast in Hebrew. The other side of her is translated as Almighty in English 41,40 and 35, from shadad meaning to deal with violently. She is fertility 119, or power 77. The power to destroy is 77 in the septenary cipher. Power to destroy = 74, 70, +1 = 71,and 59 septenary.
Wisdom is always related to snakes, Qetesh is depicted with them. Asherah too. The snake and tree in Eden. Asherah is hidden as a tree in the Bible.
The consort of Qetesh is Reshep, in Egypt and he is also in the Hebrew Bible. Reshep is the god of plague and fire, like we have going on now. Reshep = 35, 71, 41. “The Coronavirus” = 71 and 188. Event 201 was August 18. So it was 18/8. The crown, or corona, in the Bible was the “crown of thorns” = 71 and 188. Some numerology you can remove a one if it is the beginning of a number. So maybe 88.
I tried to look up Mercury and Shepherd and all that came up was Nasa’s Alan Shepard and his flight on the Mercury. Had to look at Hermes (41) for Shepherd instead. Shepard 35,71, 41.
Jesus the Shepherd was a real son of Joseph, whose wife in Genesis was the daughter of the High Priest of Heliopolis in Egypt. His prophecy for the future was under Joseph’s in Genesis 49. The Shepherd and stone of Israel. Shepherd stone = 77 in Jewish ordinal and 156 in ordinal, the prime of 911. Shepherd 53. His side kick Magdalene = 35, 88, 59. Mercury’s orbit and spin. Remember Jesus was going to make her male in the Gospel of Thomas (the twin). There is also the saying that Jesus often kissed her on the mouth. The Talmud has her as Jesus’ mother too, and a “hair dresser” = 74 and 119. They changed her name to Megaddela 77 in Jewish. It also means “braided hair” = 74,59, 77.
I will take my time on the Kobe posts. I had not really paid a lot of attention to him and had not seen your posts. I had always tagged Jesus as the Sun and Mary the moon. This Mercury stuff is overwhelm
Jesus as the Sun is a surface level metaphor. In Ancient Egyptian comparison Jesus is Horus. Jesus as Mercury is more occulted. The Ancient Egyptian metaphor is Thoth/Djehuti.
Sorry about the double post. I will add that “the Athena” as she was called in Greek = 77 as well. Hermes in Greek = 353. An appropriate palindrome for what you have been teaching.
Oh, and 353 is the 71st prime! I’m wondering if the arsenic poison 67 and 77 is used as a Djehuti or Mercury ritual. Arsenic poisoning = 88. 187.
In the Canaanite mythology the last two sons of El, through Asherah and Anat, were Dawn and Dusk. Supposedly Venus. However, in light of your posts on Mercury and Hermes I wonder. The Hebrew word for dawn is Shachar, and can be spelled like Asherah’s last son Shahar. Asherah had 71 sons with EL. I think it was from the hieros Gamos in Proverbs 8:30. Wisdom was the feminine Amon = master craftsman at the side of the male god. One of the words means to rub or rub away, and another has to do with being smeared. In the dictionary you can see how the word goes from rubbing into pulverized dust, and becomes a cloud. The Shekinah or female presence was a cloud. Then, the word becomes dawn, and same spelling to be BLACK. So son of the dawn can also be son of the black. Shachar means both dawn and to be black. Shachar = 31, 41, 58 and 131. Hermes 31 Mercury 41. English extended is 211 and Jewish 191. It is also 59 in reverse single reduction. The Black = 59 in Jewish ordinal and Bacon’s. The reverse of Bacon’s 42. Can this be part of the connection with 59 and 42 Zach seems to find with with black people?
I also want to add the Egyptian cobra “symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity and divine authority in ancient Egypt”.
It is an upright cobra worn by Egyptian kings and queens. King/Queen 41 and 103. Mercury. Nefertiti wore a double Uraeus at one point to rule upper and lower Egypt. The Egyptian Cobra “Uraeus” = 22, 41, 77 and 81 Jewish ordinal. The 7 looks like a cobra. The Greek word for Uraeus means on its tail. 7 The Egyptian cobra
Again, if Jesus was a real son of Joseph he would have an Egyptian priestly bloodline. He said he was who the Israelite Samaritan woman was waiting for in the Gospel of John. That would have been Messiah ben Joseph. The northern tribes were called Ephraim = 70, 119, 40, 67 and English extended 223, Joseph’s son. Samaritans = 74,115, like Menorah, Messiah, Heavens. The Northern tribes believed the Temple was supposed to be built on Mt Gerizim in Samaria. The Israelite Samaritan Pentateuch makes it clear. It contradicts the Bible used by Judah, and Jesus obviously had a problem with the House of Judah and their lawyers and priests. He called them blind guides and hypocrites, and warned against the coming false prophets who were ravening wolves. Genesis 49 tells what The future was for Benjamin ( Paul’s tribe ); in the latter days they would ravin as a wolf.
THOSE ARE GREAT 59 AND 42 CONNECTIONS. Jesus’ conflict with the House Judah is very significant.
So, Gianna Bryant in Sir Francis Bacon’s cipher is 1 off from the Jewish because of the y. 119, and 47 or a rule of colel + 1 of the Jewish ciphers. In your series you show Mary Magdalene 119. In Bacon’s reverse cipher Gianna Bryant is 42 which is the reverse of Bacon’s “the Black” = 42.
Divine feminine 911 in Jewish, and 1440 in Reverse Sumerian. ALSO, feminine = 144 in Jewish, 42, 141, and 72. 72 a rule of colel 71.
The son of Dawn, or son of the dawn = 144 ordinal and 180 or 18, and 1044 in Jewish which is 144 again. KM is black in Egyptian writing. KM = 144 and 180 in Sumerian and reverse Sumarian. Jesus Christ and Iesus Christ from the 1611 KJV = 72, and 144 in Bacon’s ciphers. Kamala Devi Harris = 72 and 144 in the Bacon ciphers. Kamala = 42.
Kayleigh Mcenany 72, 72 and 153, like 2 x 72 feminine = 144, and the vesica piscis ratio 153. The Magdalene 153 in Greek Isopsephy from the New Testament. Kayleigh = 74 in Bacon’s. It is a rule of colel + 1 from Jewish ordinal. Mcenany = 70 in Bacon’s or a + 1 rule of colel from Jewish ordinal. 70 + 74 Kayleigh Mcenany = 144 in Bacon’s simple cipher or a +1 colel for each word in Jewish ordinal. or +2.
Kamala Harris has the same sign as King James II who was exiled with the Jesuits in the College of Clermont. Their sign is Libra, the scales = 14, 40, 59, 103. representing those held by the goddess Themis = 74,88, 35, 71. representing Divine Law = 99 and 144. So, not surprising Kamala was educated in Law school. Libra 42, 93. The law 69, 93. Lady Justice. 69 The scales of Justice 106. Scales of Justice 50, 77, 94 with sum of divisors 144, and 67 Septenary like Ruth in ordinal..
That was a great tip: that 153 is a Sacred Feminine number. I just saw that Caytlin Jenner declared “I am a woman!” 153.
If you want to connect Jesus to Kobe look at 41. Better yet your K.B. = 13,14,and 41. There is a big mistake in Matthew 1 that frustrates me when people claim there were 42 generations in Matthew 1. There were clearly NOT 42. If you actually read the names (that do not line up with the Old Testament genealogy) You will find that there were 14 from Abraham to David, and 14 after David to Babylon. THEN, there are only 13 born after Babylon, including Jesus. 14 +14 +13 = 41. Look at Thirteen in Gematrinator calculator. 41 in Septenary and 41 in Bacon’s or Jewish reduced. Click on 41 and it shows it is the 13th prime. If you want to tie the numbers to Mercury, he had 40 fathers listed including Abraham, and was the 41st generation. 103 = 13. He was the 13th after Babylon. Jesus called himself “the Good Shepherd” in John. The Good Shepherd 85 is a +1 rule of colel 86, 94 single reduction has 144 as the sum of divisors, and 59, and 88. His feet were anointed by Mary M. Herme’s feet were in winged sandals. Latin “Talaria” 59 in Jewish ordinal and Bacon’s. In Greek they were “πτερόεντα πέδιλα” in the Greek Isopsephy system transliterates to “pteroenta pedila” and equals 1041, or 141. That number gives 14, 41, and 41 is the 13th prime. Now I know this is taking it all way to far, but pteroenta pedila in ordinal is 161, and the 161st triangular number is 13041.
Hermes was called the ram-bearer = 41 and 77 in Jewish ordinal and reduced. The Greek is Κριοφόρος and = 114. It transliterates to Kriophoros in English and = 144. Hermes Kriophoros = 121, 220, and then 201 and 102 in the Jewish ciphers, and Bacon’s.
Wow! That was scholarly as usual! Hermes/Mercury is the Greco-Roman god with the most characteristics; who rules over the most realms of human life. One of his roles is the “god of herds.” That is where you get Jesus as the Shepherd.
Great comment on on Kate Jenner. I can’t believe it adds to 153. On Jesus as the shepherd, he was fulfilling the prophecy for Jacob’s 12 sons in the latter days given by Jacob in Genesis 49. “”22Joseph is a fruitful bough… 24But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; from thence is the””shepherd, the stone”” of Israel: 25Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:””
Here you also get to see that Almighty is translated for Shaddai whose name comes from shad for breast. The Judah Jews did not follow her. The northern tribes did. So the Israelite Samaritan Pentateuch has MOTHER and father in the next line I will give from the KJV:
:”26The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.”
There you also have the crown that ended up as a “crown of thorns” = 71 and 188 like “The Cornonavirus = 71, 188. 71 like “The society of Jesus”. In the Sir Francis Bacon’s SImple cipher Crown of Thorns =177 like The Jesuit order = 177 and The mark of the beast = 177 Look at the rule of colel between mask and mark and kill. 16,17, 28,29 43,44 64,65 in Bacon’s 14,13 40,41. Mask and kill are the same, mark is one off.
Interestingly enough “Jesuit Order” = 54, 144 and 153.
King Solomon = 54 and 144, 153. Iesus Christ, and Jesus Christ = 72 and 144 in Francis Bacon’s simple cipher. Sir Francis Bacon = 144 as you can see in Jewish ordinal. Future Queen = 153 and 144. I thought the Jesuit Order has 144 and 153 for Jesus and Mary. I have not looked at enough pairs to be convinced. Then I found “androgynous” 54,54, 153 and 144. So maybe the divine feminine can be androgynous? Kamala Harris is 144 in Bacon’s, but she has never worn a dress that I have seen, and is very aggressive, and her pretend sweet smiles are very fake. Like in the debate. I’m sure she wears the pants in her family. I have seen her in senate hearings and she is a bulldog. Kayleigh Mcenany was 144 in Bacon’s too, but she had 153 in Ordinal. In the Greek Isopsephy from the New Testament Maria = 152, a rule of colel +1 for 153 the vesica piscis. As I posted earlier “the Magdalene is in the Greek and = 153. I believe The Magdalene was a title. As I have said before Josephus said the Holy of Holies was a Tower, and he claimed the Temple in Egypt was a tower. Magdalene is from the Hebrew word for tower Migdal and Egyptian Maktal is tower too. I think she was a Qedeshah. A priestess for Qedesh who was the divine feminine. Qedeshah = 135 in Francis Bacon’s reverse.
Shaddai is female from the breasts and womb in Genesis 49 and the Samaritan Pentateuch that has Joseph as the leader and Mother and Father blessings from Shaddai. On the other hand Shadday can be from Shadad being violent. Androgynous? In the Israelite Samaritan Pentateuch they have Judah with the scepter UNTIL Sheeloh. Sheloh was Judah’s son who was supposed to marry his dead brother’s wife. Judah wouldn’t let him because the first son to try it was killed by YHWH, because he didn’t want to have his seed used for his brother, so he ejaculated on the ground. So Sheloh was next but Judah stalled. So Tamar tricked Judah into having sex with her dressed up as a harlot, or Qedeshah Temple prostitute, hiding her face. She ended up having TWINS, and King David’s ancestor came from that sin. Sheloh was supposed to be her husband as a Levirate marriage, NOT the Father. It had to be a brother of the dead son. So the Israelites in Samaria, and Assyria and Egypt had a Pentateuch that has Joseph the Shepherd, and says the Temple to be on Mt Gerizim in Samaria and not in Jerusalem. They did not want a messiah from David. They were waiting for Messiah ben Joseph.
Funny, Tamar = 17, 53 like Mary and moon in Francis Bacon’s ciphers. Also, I think most of the stories are about Egypt being Eden. Iset is Egyptian for the Greek Isis. Iset = 17, 28, 53,55.. 314 English Extended. The word for the crafty = 17, 28, in Hebew, of the serpent in Eden, is Arum in English. Arum = 17,28,53, 55. What is interesting about Arum is the EXACT same Hebrew spelling in Hebrew letters in the Hebrew dictionary is the word NAKED! So the serpent could be said to be naked too, or even instead. Naked = 17, 28, 35. Eden 19, 17, 28. In Egypt, Aquarius had breasts. Aquarius = 35,55,109. Your gender 35, 28, 53, 109. I really wish the Gematrinator has Francis Bacon’s reverse. Aquarius also = 53 in his reverse short cipher.
Now think of gender being hidden, or “masked”, in this mask wearing time period. Masked = 17, 53, 109. 109 = 19 too. Look at womb = 17, 19, 53, 55. If we want to look at Eden, their third eyes were opened knowing naked or gender. Eye = 17, 35. OR use 18,18,54,54. How did Gematria know they were a pair?? = 17,17, 53, 53 Eyes with a – 1 rule of colel on the numbers.
. And just to show this works for Egyptian words, Kmt is Egyptian for Egypt. kmt = 8, 19, 44, 37, 140 in Jewish and 222 in reverse sumerian. The God the Hebrews worshipped in Egypt was Set = 8, 19, 44, 37 with 140 jewish and 222 reverse Sumerian. Hebrews = 35, 44 single, 37, 109 or 19.
Ralph Ellis did an interesting book called Eden in Egypt. If you look at statues and pics of Akhenaten and Nefertiti they look pretty naked. Still, Akhenaten has no genitalia. It was known for female rulers in Egypt to wear a fake beard. He had thick hips and a swollen belly. He looks more female than she. And, if I remember correctly HE wore a fake beard at times. Fake beard = 35, 55, 53, 190 like 109 or 19. Fake beard is also 33, 51 in Bacon’s or Jewish like Naked 33, 15. Your Gender 35,53, 109.
The King James Bible calls the serpent “subtil” instead of crafty. Subtle = 43, 79, and 474 in reverse sumerian. The Golden calf = 43, 47, 79, and75 in Jewish ordinal/ bacon’s, and 474 in sumerian. Akhenaten = 34, 47, 79, and 75 in Jewish ord and bacons, and 474 in Sumerian.
Nefertiti has numbers popular with Zach. 56, 106, 102. Black lives matter 56, 106. Black power 56, 106. Adam and Eve 56, 70. Fire ritual 56, 70 Tribe of Judah 56, 70.
Manetho the Egyptian historian has the rulers in Egypt in that period as Hyksos, and Moses a high priest of Heliopolis that lead a bunch of lepers out of Egypt.
Hyksos were called shepherd kings. Shepherd king = 70, 56, 200 the triangular is 20100 and 1223 prime, and 74 and 119 in Bacon/Jewish. Leper 56, and 200 in English extended the triangular again 20100 or 1223 prime. Leprous in ordinal = 106. White as snow = 156 the prime 911..
So slaves were white like snow. White people were treated like lepers because they WERE. Black people here were treated like lepers for how many hundred years. Everything is turning upside down. Gender and race. Also Leprosy was a plague, and here we are with “the Plague”. Plague = 59 in Bacon’s Simple or Jewish ordinal.
Some add Akhenaten to this group that left Egypt. Akhenaten 34, 47, 79 and 474 Sumarian. leprosy 47 single, 34, 79. Also the 474 reverse Sumerian..
Sorry another overly long post.
Hermes Ram bearer = 77 reduced and 86 single, 94 (144 sum of div) and 103 single reverse,. Christ 41 single, 40, 77, 74, 103. Caduceus 77, and 74 in Jewish ordinal. Jesus 74 in Ordinal. Iesus Christ from the 1611 KJV Bible = 144 in Jewish ordinal and in Sir Francis Bacon’s. Jesus Christ 144 in Sir Francis Bacon’s Simple cipher. Sir Francis Bacon = 144 in his own Simple cipher. Check Jewish ordinal. Sir 44 Francis 67 and Bacon 33. Francis means Free, and Free = 33 in his simple cipher like Bacon.. Check Jewish ordinal. Free = 67 in his reverse cipher. Like Francis in his simple. I believe Francis Bacon put the free in Freemason. He was a Mason, Rosicrucian, and even a Templar from age 17. The number for Mary and moon in Bacon’s cipher 17 and 53. Mary = 47 in his reverse cipher. He has Hiram = 47 in his simple. Hiram Abif = 47 in his Short. You can see in the Jewish. The Masonic compass is 47 degrees. I believe he came up with that too. 47, 33, and free of the Maons are too coincidental with Sir Francis Bacon’s position, and his mentor John Dee, who also used his ciphers. John Dee the Rosicrucian and Queen Elizabeth’s astrologer, and occultist, and spy. He signed his letters like 007. In Francis Bacon’s reverse cipher John Dee = 117. The Templars revered Mary Magdalene. From Wiki on knights Templar “”the Order existed in secret in this form until the formation of the” United Grand Lodge of England” in 1717″. 17? If you look at Bacon’s simple cipher it is the same as Jewish ordinal at times. United Grand Lodge of England = 110, and the formula for PI 227, or 22/7.. It is also suspected that he wrote as Shakespeare. He edited the Bible for a year. Shake and Speare are in the 1611 King James Bible in Psalm 46. “Speare” is the 47th word from the end. Shake is the 46th word from the beginning.. 47 like the Masonic compass again. I suspect for John Dee, From Bacon, the 117th psalm is 33 words in the King James Bible.. The ESV version has 28 words. The New King James Version NKJV has 30 words. I borrowed a Manley P Hall quote from
The first edition of the King James Bible, which was edited by Francis Bacon and prepared under Masonic supervision, bears more Mason’s marks than the Cathedral of Strasburg.-Manly P. Hall, from a lecture Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins 1929
Oh well,
I am going to have to add to the post I just made about Eden in Egypt.. I forgot Nefertiti was a Mitanni princess. The country was Armenia, older than dirt. The God of Armenia was AR =10,17,19, 35, and the mother goddess was Haya = 17, 19, 35, 73 with Francis Bacon’s 33, 15, and 67 in his reverse. You have the mirror Ra for the Sun in Egypt. So that would be easy for her. Yah was the Moon in Egypt. The Mitanni God was Mitra. The name means oath or covenant. In Hebrew the Egyptian R is an L. So Ra, or Re, of Egypt is EL from right to left as in Hebrew. The Hebrews made RA with an R mean evil in Hebrew. To me, obviously so Ra could not be used as a God in Israel. Though, the name IS for Iset, Ra for AR, and EL for RA is Israel. . What a jumble they did. . The God Ar then can also be AL. or EL. YaHWeH called himself Hayah in Exodus, to Moses, and made covenants with Abraham and Moses with Israel. They changed Haya’s sex, and gave him Mitra’s oaths or covenants. Mitra = 61, 74 like Jesus’ 74, 61, name, and they took on Hayah in Hebrew, that they translated from Hebrew to mean “I am”. It is another lie from the Bible. Hayah means “will be”. So whoever translated the Hebrew Bible did not correctly translate Hayah. I would blame Josephus, or Philo. They BOTH worked for Rome. All of Philo of Alexandria’s family worked for Rome. The head of the Roman military of Titus, against the Jews, was a Jew and direct relative of Philo ALexander. Josephus was a turncoat Jew that also worked for Vespasian, Titus’ Father who ruled after Nero’s death. .
Aya was the oldest goddess, and called Grandmother, and as Haya she was related to the earth. Like Gaia. Also water. In Some deal with the Mitanni, Nefertiti went to Egypt to be Akhanaten’s consort. Armenians were Aryan = 59. Armenia was famous for Noah’s boat landing on Mt ARARat. Ararat = 59 ordinal, 103 reverse, and also 56 in Bacon’s. Armenians = 59 reverse reduced. So, In Bacon’s reverse cipher Mitra the male god = 67. Haya The Female goddess = 67. I am not sure what a Testament meant in 1611 or earlier. It is 117 in our cipher. Was it the old covenant and new? In the 1611 King James Bible, that Francis Bacon edited for close to a year, it was spelled Newe Testament. In His own ciphers Newe Testament = 155, 47, 170 and 53. Remember Mary in his ciphers = 17, 53 and 47. So, maybe even more of a turn of the compass to 47 degrees by Bacon, on top of Hiram = 47 and Hiram Abif = 47 in his short or reduced cipher.
Where do you post? What is you website?
In the book of Hebrews 8 it talks about the new covenant with Israel. The God will write his laws on their hearts. It is a quote from Jeremiah31:33 “But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD. I will put My law in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts.” Mitra was the covenant god. Thoth/Djheuti was the God of writing. His wife Seshat was a writer too. Mercury = 103, and 33 in Francis Bacon’s reverse short cipher. Jeremiah 31:33. Djheuti = 77,112. Nefertiti = 112 in Bacon’s reverse. Her God was Mitra the covenant. Covenant = 112 in Bacon’s reverse as well. Jesuits = 77 in Sir Francis Bacon’s reverse cipher. Mercury = 78 +1 colel in Bacon’s reverse cipher. Covenant = 88 in Francis Bacon”s simple cipher. The Jewish ordinal is off because they moved the J out of place. 88 is Mercury revolving the sun. Testament is 1 off of Covenant in Francis Bacon’s Simple cipher. 111, a rule of colel 112. That will show up in Jewish ordinal because no J or V. Jesuits = 98 in Bacon’s simple cipher. Mercury = 97 and = using the rule of colel. Another Mercury 88 is the Bible Hebrews 8:8 where the Gentiles think there was a covenant with them. Never was. Hebrews 8:8 “But God found fault with the people and said: “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. ” There never was a New covenant with Gentiles. All of “Jesus” followers were Hebrews. All of his brother Jacob/James followers were Hebrews. Paul, like Philo’s family, and Josephus, was a Roman. Matthew has “Jesus” say the false prophets would come as ravening wolves. Mt 7:15. Paul claimed he was a Pharisee (“Jesus” called blind guides). Paul claimed he was of the Tribe of Benjamin. Genesis 49 has Jacob’s prophecy for the 12 sons. Genesis 49:27 says Benjamin will ravin as a wolf.
I think if Jesus is Mercury then Maria the Magdalene is Venus. In the Revelation 2:28″ J” says to the one who overcomes I will give the morning Star. One other besides himself. John 21 gives the story Mary came very early, the Greek meaning dawn, while it is still dark. If she is not Mercury, then she is Venus. If I am not mistaken, Sekhmet is Venus. Sekhmet = 27, 36, 81 and 108, or 18.. There is a 77 in Jewish ordinal and Bacon’s. 33 in Septenary. Venus = 18 , 27 81. 54. Khemet = 18, 27, 54, 81. Ritual 27, 45, 81, 81. Kobe’s wife is Vanessa, like Venus. Vanessa = 18,45, 81, 108.
I don’t want to take away from Mary being the female half of Mercury. Vanessa is a Taurus and Virgin Mary and Magdalene both have 62 like Taurus, ruled by Venus. On the other hand, Mary M has a number of numbers related to Mercury, or Jesus. Magdalene even has 166 in the reverse of Sir Bacon’s cipher. 166 like crucifixion you showed in your Black Jesus. In the Beyonce’ quote from Isaiah 65:11. The irony is that Destiny is mistranslated for Meni, or My Men. The word, according to Strong’s dictionary , comes from manah, which means to “to count, number, reckon”. It may be talking about gematria. The word for drink offering simply means mixing. Mixing numbers. It talks about those who forget the mountain of Qedesh, called Holy. Forget the “divine feminine” = 911 Jewish and 1440 in reverse Sumarian. Mary Magdalene = 119, with the sum of divisors 144. Last it says prepare a table for GD, pronounced Gawd. Like God. How did we end up with the name God?
I had been a regular on the Amazon religions forums. I have not been a regular anywhere since Amazon closed them. I don’t have a website, so I have been flying solo. I didn’t mean to go on such a long tangent to tangent.
I was channel flipping the news chanels last night and caught Noor Bin Ladin. I remember your post, but had not looked at the Noor Bin Laden spelling. I use the classic Gematrinator calculater. 60, 66, 123, 201. I had not seen the similarity to Thirty Three before. 60, 66, 156 (911 prime) 141. The 60,66 like 666. Also, had not noticed that Thirty Three = 846 in reverse Sumerian. The George Floyd 8 minutes 46 seconds number.
OOPS, I didn’t state what I thought would be obvious, but I found a little more. the obvious 911 and 846. Noor Bin Laden and 666 with the 911 from the 156 in thirty three ties directly to the Sumarian 8:46 in Thirty Three ;the time the first plane hit the “First Tower” = 153. That brings us back to the sacred feminine The Magdalene = 153 in Greek isopsephy and the TITLE means “the tower”. The name from Migdal in Hebrew and Maktal in Egyptian. First tower is also 63 and 153 like Jesuit order 63, 144, 153. First is also 63, and 144 in Franc Baconis. “The first plane” is also 63 and 153. The Jesuits church is called our lady of the street. Madonna della strada. That would be Mary Magdalene = 56, 70, 119.
One last crazy coincidence.. The Revelation of St John is called Apokalypsis which means uncovering from the first Greek word. in the book. . In the English ciphers apokalypsis = 45, 63, 144, 153. The Englsh word formed; the Apocalypse = 144 and The Apocalypse = 187 in Francis Bacon’s reverse cipher.
As for Mary Magdalene as Venus:
Venus= 18, 27 single, 27,81, 54 Tower (Magdalene) = 27, 27,81,54. They are both the same in Sir Francis Bacon’s ciphers = 76, 22, 49, 22. In Sumerian they are both 486, like the anagram numbers for the first plane 846, and the minutes for one sun travel 60 seconds x 60 minutes, x 24 hours = 864.
I am going to add Apocalypse in Bacon’s 43, 106, 144. The word is transliterated from the Greek Apocalypsis in our ciphers = 45, 63, 144, 153. Jesuit Order 54, 63 single, 144, 153