The Committee of Thirteen’s coup d’etat of Hawaii in 1893, and the Maui fires of 2023, as well as Joe Biden showing up for Hawaii’s 64th birthday, August 21, 2023 (more 201) (more chess)

The US was named on September 9, 1776, the day leaving 113 days in the year
Once again, Maui’s August 8-9, 2023 fires began 13 days before the anniversary of their statehood, August 21, 1959. That means, 13 days before the 64th birtdhay.
Maui = 64 (64 spaces on chessboard)
Kill = 64
And all the other 64 things related, including Dora the Explorer and the miracle house.
And Joe Biden speaking in Hawaii on the state’s 64th birthday.
Barack Hussein Obama = 64
Joe Biden = 64
-Obama, #44, 44 years after the Civil Rights Act of ’64
–Civil Rights = 64
–Hope = 64 & 44
-Maui = 64 & 44
–Kill = 64 & 44
Keep in mind Joe Biden was born 201 months and 1 day before Hawaii.
Order of Illuminati = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Weather Control = 201
-The ritual with The Rock and 201…
As for the other number… this happening 13 days before the state’s 64th birthday… and the Illuminati being founded with 13 original families…

Remember, Joe Biden is from Scranton, PA, home of The Office, the mockumentary television show, following Trump’s TV path through ‘The Apprentice.’

Don’t forget Biden met with Putin before Russia-Ukraine kicked off, 201 days after the Jesuit Ignatian Year began of May 20, 2021, meeting on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 2021.

Ignatius of Loyola = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Think about how Joe Biden’s first wife, his daughter, and his son have all died in 201 rituals. And that doesn’t even count what happened to his parents while he was a Senator.
Think of the US and 13 (stripes, colonies, years of public school, etc.)
-Illuminati founded May 1, 1776
-The U.S. founded July 4, 1776
The U.S. birthday of July 4 is 64 days after May 1, 1776.

64 spaces on the chessboard

Notice the history of chess and 201 through the date July 20, the 201st day of the year.

Neil Alden Armstrong = 201 (201st day of the year, in 1969… Moon Landing)
-The moon is illuminated by the sun
–Order of Illuminati = 201
–Heliocentrism = 201 & 69
–Illuminati = 69 & 150
–Sun 150m km away on avg.
–Sun 93 mil miles away on avg.
–Order of Illuminati = 93
Jesuits since the 16th century. 32 sun rays… *America = 32 *7/4/1776 = 32
Six = 16 (Man made on 6th day)
!Remember, from the coronation of Kings Charles II, to the Great Fire of London (blamed on Jesuits), was 1959 days, and now we’re in the time of King Charles III. It goes with the Queen dying 201 days after her Covid-19 diagnosis, after the Event 201 coronavirus pandemic simulation, just before the coronavirus pandemic.
And think of the cleverness of ‘Committee of Thirteen.’
Committee of Thirteen = 223 (It is now 2023)
Natural Disaster = 223 (HAARP anniversary on 223rd day, August 11)
*The Synagogue of Satan = 223
*Philadelphia = 223
–223, the 48th prime
–Illuminati = 48
*Revelation 13 is about the beast
–Committee of Thirteen = 97
–Brotherhood of Death = 97
–Hurricane = 97
–Death = 97
–25th prime
–Fire = 25
–Death = 25
From January 15, the anniversary of what happened in 1893, to August 8, is 205 days later.
August 9, the second day of burning was 206 days later.
Sacrifice = 206 (206 bones in adult body)
This ritual is also coming 130 years after 1893, from the time of the “13 Gang” overthrow.
Human Sacrifice = 130 & 86 (Think of Hiroshima, August 6, not far from Japan)
-August 6 is 8/6 (like 86)
Washington = 86
Closing Thought: Reminder about ‘201’.
In Sepher Sapphires, author Wade Coleman shows how the number 201 relates to light, like Illuminati.
Wade Coleman = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201
Catholic Pope = 201
The Holy Bible = 201
-Beau Biden dead 201 days before Pope’s birthday
-Pope Francis, the first to live in Suite 201 at the Vatican (the first Jesuit, Jorge)

For one last point, Joe went to Maui 274 days after his birthday.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274
The Catholic Church has celebrated the sun’s birthday on 12/25 since 274 AD. They have celebrated Jesus birthday on the same day since 320 AD, 46 years later.
Roman Catholic Church = 320
Catholic = 46 (46 books in OT)
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Check out the YouTube channel called Elite Film Clips
At 1:54, Kevin Spacey character states, “You’d be surprised at how much energy is in a beam of light. ”
He then mentions not wanting mankind to blow themselves up.
At 2:23, Kevin says, “adios aloha”. As he has time travelled right in front of the group of doctors/business men
Film releases on Oct 22nd 2001 41 or 42 days later depending on how you calculate it.
More predictive programming with the movie, Aloha released May 29 2015 with Bradley Cooper. In the film, Bill Murray plays a corporate billionaire using the air force to launch his nuclear space weapon into space riding a U.S. rocket / satellite. So creepy to watch this again after the Maui Fires. Oh, Alec Baldwin plays the pissed off air force commander.