The death of 17-year-old Ethan Liming, at LeBron James’ I Promise School, June 2, 2022

Notice, this 17-year-old was beaten to death on June 2, 2022, the 153rd day of the year, in Ohio, the 17th state in order of statehood.
153, 17th triangular number
Kill = 17
NBA = 17
This is the same day Joe Biden gave his 17-minute speech relating to gun violence and gun control, where he referenced the number 17 numerous times. And in this case, the deceased shot a toy water gun…
This is also the same day the Celtics picked up their 17th playoff win over the Warriors on a late 17-0 run, while having 17 championships under their built.
And finally, this is the same day LeBron James was declared an NBA billionaire by Forbes.
The victim’s name fits with the ritual.
Ethan Liming = 59
Akron = 59
59, 17th prime
He reportedly died with 74 minutes left in the day.
Gematria = 74
English = 74
Occult = 74
Masonic = 74
Energy = 74
Killing = 74
–Kill = 17
He died 154-days after LeBron’s birthday.
Ritual Sacrifice = 154
King James = 154
The name of the school syncs with the Warriors, who now play in San Francisco. And don’t forget Curry and LeBron were both born in the same Akron, Ohio hospital.
I Promise School = 76 / 202
San Francisco = 76 / 202
Skull and Bones = 76 / 202
Also noteworthy, the child died in the 201st week of the school’s existence, established July 30, 2018.

Jesuit Order = 144
The Jesuit Order = 201
Read about Lorenzen Wright’s murder 201-days after LeBron James’ birthday.
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I was liming with Trinidad and Guyanese friends just last night, at Asif Hakh’s vernissage. “Lime” is a word used in Trinidad and Tobago, and throughout the Caribbean, as a synonym for “a gathering” or “hanging out.” Instead of “No Loitering” signs, you’ll often see signs that say, “No liming.” And as for Asif hack, I won’t even try to go there, it’s ‘too soon’.