The Mayflower story, landing at Cape Cod, November 9, 2016

Plymouth = 40 / 32
United States = 40
America = 32
Mayflower = 433 (84th prime) (Satanic Gematria)
-United States of America = 84
-The Catholic Church = 84
-The Jesuit Order = 84

November 9, 1620, what a date.
11+9+16+20 = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
*This came before the 56 signers on the Declaration of Independence
Keep in mind November 9 leaves 52 days in the year.
Pope = 52 / 56
Earth = 52
52-weeks in the calendar year
That date happened to be the 54th day of the Pope’s age, a man with a September 17 birthday.

The Jesuit logo.
Keep in mind his birthday is the 260th day of the year.
260 chapters

As for the Pope’s birthday leaving 105 days in the year, Bible = 105
Notice also how Plymouth, United Kingdom, fits in. That’s where the Mayflower left from.

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Blooper in headline. “2016”.
Please delete when fixed. 🙂