Timothy Leeks charged with murder of King Von

Timothy Leeks? Murder? King Von? Rapper?

34 / 38 / 79 / 97
Remember, the song Murder by Numbers came out in ’83.
Read about the ABC Murders and 79: https://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2019/02/the-abc-murders-by-agatha-christie-new.html
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So I looked in Morgan Freeman’s birthday and realized that it was on June 1st 1937 that is the day Tennessee became a state.
Tennessee = 34
Black = 34
Memphis = 34
Murder = 34
Morgan Freeman turns 84 on June 1st 2021 84 days from his birthday is August 24 2021, a day with a 73 date numerology, (8+24+20+21= 73)
Jesuit = 84
Sacrifice = 73
The year he was born has a date numerology that adds up to 44, 6/1/37 (6+1+37 = 44)
Kill = 44
If I find any interesting information I’ll update you and thank you for spreading the truth.
Update I found that he graduated from the Jesuit University in Boston