Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, released on Amazon, August 31, 2020 | & his very Jesuit death on the anniversary of The Hunt for Red October
August 31st leaves 122 days left in the year, corresponding with the gematria of Iesus Hominum Salvator.

Pope Francis = 122 *Iesus Hominum Salvator = 122
Read more about the Jesuits and 122:
Central Intelligence Agency = 243 *Jack Ryan works for the CIA

The first scene of this show begins in a Catholic Church, where a priest is murdered by Muslims, in Paris, France.

Paris, France = 70 *Francis = 70 *Vatican = 70 *Amazon = 70
Jorge Mario Begoglio = 201
ISIS = 56 (What the show focuses on)
John Krasinski, who plays Jack Ryan, starred in the Jesuit comedy, The Office, that ran 201 episodes.
Read more about that here:
As for Tom Clancy, he was born on the 102nd day of the year, and died 172 days after his 66th birthday.
Art of War = 102 *World War = 102
*American Civil War began on 102nd day of the year
*9/11 attack lasted 102 minutes
Clancy is known for his military related writings.
He got his start in 1984 with The Hunt for Red October.

Tom Clancy died on the 29 year anniversary of the publishing date.
Jesus = 29 / 11

That’s the 322 gang.

Tom Clancy died 202 days after Pope Francis becoming Pope.

Skull and Bones, 322, is an offshoot of the Bavarian Illuminati, established by Adam Weishaupt the Jesuit. Adam Weishaupt died November 18, 1830, the 322nd day of the year.
172 connects to Ad maiorem Dei gloriam

Notice Tom Clancy got his start in 1984, emphasis on ’84.

His second novel, Patriot Games, has major overlap with ‘Jesuit Order’.

Clear and Present Danger = 96
The divisors of 42 sum to 96. Jesuit = 42

181, 42nd prime
251, 54th prime
The gematria of Tom Clancy is as follows:

Maryland = 34 / 47 *Where he is from *Born in ’47
Government = 47 / 137
137, 33rd prime
*Prophecy = 106 *His work is known for predictive programming.

Gregorian = 58 *Calendar = 58 *Pope Francis = 58
Roman Catholic Church = 104
32 sun rays on the Jesuit sun
*Ryan = 22 / 58
And here is what Tom Clancy wrote in Red Rabbit about the Jesuits running the world.

*Georgetown and Boston College are Jesuit schools