Trevor Paul Moore, of the Whitest Kids U Know, dead at 41, August 7, 2021
This man has died 4 months and 4 days from his birthday, which was April 4, or 4/4, and he was known for being a ‘comedian’ prior to his abrupt and premature end.
Comedian = 44
Execution = 44
Kill = 44
We’ve been tracking this pattern since Dick Gregory’s passing on a 44 date numerology.
Notice he is from Charlottesville, psyop town.
Also know what ‘Whitest Kids U’ Know’ equates to… yes, 201.
Whitest Kids U’ Know = 69 / 201
The Jesuit Order = 69 / 201
The Whitest Kids U’ Know = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
Jesuit = 84
He died at age 41.
USA = 41
United States of America = 84
His name fits in with the Jesuit riddle.
Trevor Paul Moore = 79 / 191
Society of Jesus = 79 / 191
And so does the fact he died on a date with 56 numerology.
8/7/2021 = 8+7+20+21 = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
It also had fateful gematria.
Trevor Paul Moore = 79 / 83
Murder = 79 / 93
As for the August 7 passing, his sketch was abbreviate WKUK.
WKUK = 66
Number of the Beast = 66 / 87 (Dead on 8/7)
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he died *126* days from his most recent birthday.
He has a sketch on his ‘Trevor Moore Show’ called “Get Ready to Die”
iMDB says the episode aired June 25th, BUT comedy centrals Youtube channel has it June 12th *1* month *26* days from that sketch to his death on August 6th.