Trump guilty on all 34 charges, Thursday, May 30, 2024 (201 Gang)

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He is guilty on all 34 charges for the same thing, and this is POLITICAL THEATER.

Read about the 34 charges handed out on April 4, 2023, here.

Today is 201 days before the Pope’s 88th birthday. *Trump=88

You know the 201 list. *Jorge Mario Bergoglio=201 *The Jesuit Order=201

Today is also the 201st day of the Superior General’s age, Arturo Sosa.

Today is 45 days after the trial began on April 15. *Ritual=45 *Veridct=45 *Trump, #45

The Judge’s name is Juan Merchan.

Keep in mind Thursday is named after Zeus (like Je-sus), and Zeus is Jupiter.

Recall, this ‘Hush Money’ trial has occurred while Stormy Daniels has been age 45.

Remember when they called President Trump the 45th President-elect, November 9, 2016, the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall?

Remember his VP, Mike Pence?

There’s a reason Trump is selling his own version of the Bible now.

I’m sure you remember Trump appearing in court on April 4, 2023, the day before Passover began, and on April 5, this year, the day of the big Northeast earthquake, on Trump’s golf course.
Passover=34 (34 charges)

Prior to that, his wife died on July 14, 2022, 45 years after their marriage in 1977.

Norman Vincent Peale=201 (His wife was buried on the 201st day of the year)

The May 30 verdict is 45 days before her death anniversary, July 14.

And let us never forget the Church of Satan’s 45th birthday, April 30, 2011, the day Trump was at Obama’s White House Correspondents Dinner, and Obama joked that Trump would be #45, and the joke was told exactly 45 days before Donald Trump’s upcoming birthday.

Of course, the Church of Satan’s highest degree is MAGA.

Keep in mind, Trump is currently 77, and this is a mockery. *Christ=77

Trump has been found on all 34 counts. *Jesus=34

He has been found guilty on the 151st day of the year. *Jesus Christ=151

Plus a lot more…

-HE SPOKE IN DC SEP. 23, 2015, THE 266TH DAY

And yes, Trump can still run for US President.

For one last point, today is 159 days before the election, and Trump will be 78 at the time of it.

Keep in mind, when Trump appeared in court in April of 2023, he compared himself to Christ.
New Testament=159

Today also has 43 date numerology, going with Jesus crucixion date supposedly being April 3, or 4/3, like 43 or 3/4, like 34. *Jesus Christ=43 *Jesus=34 *Cross=34

Today is the 151st day of the leap year.

Trump’s birthday is 14/6 (14th of June)
Trump was 74 when he lost in 2020 (now he wants to resurrect his presidency)
This court is on the 74th Meridian West
The word ‘Jury’ equates to 74 (a Jury of 12, like Jesus 12 disciples)

Remember when the Towers came down on the 74th Meridian West, September 11, 2001, New Year’s Day on the Christian Coptic Calendar, and a date some researchers think is the day of Jesus’ birth.

For one last point, sentencing has been set for July 11, or 11/7, like 117, and that day is 117 days before the election, November 5, 2024.


  1. Synchronous_Sam on May 30, 2024 at 6:43 pm

    May 30 is 165 days after the pope’s birthday 12/17.
    The 165th day of the year is June 14, Trump’s birthday.

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