Trump reschedules Juneteenth rally in Tulsa on June 12, 2020, plus Scripps Research Institute

Trump will not attend the Juneteenth rally is Tulsa, out of respect, and the announcement comes June 12, 2020, or 6/12, like 612. This is a tribute to slavery, summing to 612.

Notice the emphasis on ‘out of respect’.
June 12 is typically the 163rd day of the year.
Trump’s slogan.
What George Floyd died from.
Same as Eric Garner, in a cigarettes incident.
Number games.
163, the 38th prime; George Floyd dead on 38th Street.
*Minnesota = 38 *Death = 38
And don’t overlook this story about a mutation in the coronavirus, that could make it more infectious. This is what we said to lookout for. They’ll likely blame this on the George Floyd protests. This is from the Event 201 simulation as well.

Scripps = 37 / 89; Virus = 37 / 89
6/19/20 = 6+19+20 = 45 (Donald Trump, #45)
6/12/2020 = 6+12+20+20 = 58 (Trump, winner of 58th selection)
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