Trump says Ginsburg’s seat will be filled by a woman, September 19, 2020 | The Top Three Nominees

Government Murder by Numbers News Politics

This was the top story to start the 19th of September.

Chaos = 19 *Ruth = 67 (19th prime)

This news comes 97 days after Trump’s birthday. *Supreme = 97

Notice the emphasis on ‘it will be a woman’.

Donald Trump = 159 / 60

*The Jesuit Order = 84 *Jesuit = 84

Of course, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in a massive Jesuit ritual.

In an article on top nominees, these women were mentioned:

Notice, she attended Notre Dame, and was born in ’72.

Catholic School… *Jesuit Order = 72

*Amy Coney Barrett = 68 / 185 / 220 *Donald John Trump = 68 / 185 / 220

Without a doubt, she is Catholic.

Barbara Lagoa = 79 *Society of Jesus = 79

Ruth died on her 322nd day of her age, or 46 weeks after her birthday.

Catholic = 46 *Skull and Bones, 322

*Allison Jones Rushing = 88 *Trump = 88 *Judge = 88


  1. Sshev on September 20, 2020 at 7:41 am

    Justice Amy Coney Barrett = 322 US Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett =153

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